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early autumn 早秋 early in the morning 清晨 far away 遥远的 As a result, no one knew who I was. 所以没有人认识我。 no one, nothing , none no one 指人,不与of连用 nothing 指物,不与of连用 none 指没有任何人或物,可与 of连用 _______is waiting for you. ______of us has/have been to Hong Kong. I can see __________except mountains. I was very lonely, and afraid to make friends with anyone. 我感到孤独,不敢与人交朋友。 be afraid to do sth. be afraid of doing sth. 她害怕喂狗。 She is afraid ________ dogs. 他害怕夜间单独外出。 He is afraid ______________ out alone at night. I didn’t want my parents to worry about me. 我不想让父母为我担心。 want sb to do sth want to do sth = would like to do sth = feel like doing sth worry about担心,担忧 be worried about Don’t worry, he will be OK. He is worried about his grandparents. …and I sat at my desk unhappily as usual. 我像往常一样无精打采地坐在课桌旁 as usual 像往常一样 She felt the touch of something bright and friendly. It made her feel happy, lively and warm.突然,她感到一种明朗而友好的触动。它让她感到幸福、有活力而温暖。 make sb do / make sb adj Day by day, I became closer to everyone in my class. 日子一天天过去,我渐渐和班上的其他同学亲近起来。 day by day 表示“每天,一天比一天地,日益”如: 我弟弟长得一天比一天壮实。 My brother grows stronger day by day 事物每天都在变 Everything changes day by day. One day I asked him why he smiled but he couldn’t remember smiling at me! 一天,我问他为什么笑,可他却不记得曾经对我笑过 remember doing sth. 表示“记得曾做过…。如: 我记得见过这只猫。 I remember seeing the cat. remember to do sth.表示“记住要去做…”。如: 离开之前别忘记关窗户。 Remember to close the windows before you leave. 你记住买牛奶了吗? Did you remember to buy a bottle of milk? the world is what you think it is. 就是你想象的那个样子。 (你认为世界是怎样的,它就是怎样的) Can you tell me where you’re from? 模仿,造句: That-clause as objects 句中that没有任何意义,多数情况下句中that 可省略 E.g. Betty thinks (that) trees improve the air. E.g. I hope (that) it will snow this winter. Model: 1)“ Has Sally Maxwell arrived?” Do you know? --- Do you know if Sally Maxwell has arrived? 2)“Do you miss the UK, or your relations?” He asks. --- He asks if I miss the UK, or my relations? “Do you c


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