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初三上册英语私人订制双语知识点 初三上册英语私人订制双语知识点 冯小刚再次回归贺岁喜剧市场,推出新片《私人订制》。该片上映后,虽打破了多项记录,却也因“炒冷饭”之嫌而饱受诟病。不过无论如何,冯氏喜剧还是在贺岁档带给人们诸多欢喜。 “What you dont dare imagine, we dare to do.” The?slogan?of Personal Tailor, Feng Xiaogang’s latest comedy project, not only introduces the film’s basic idea of “living a dream”, it also expresses the director’s ambition. “你不敢想的,我们敢做。”作为冯小刚最新喜剧力作《私人订制》中的一句口号,这句话不仅道出了该片的“造梦”主题,同时也彰显了冯导的野心。 Compared with his historical epics, such as Back to 1942 and Aftershock, which, to me, looked impressive but lacked a certain edge, I prefer Fengs more satirical and humorous works that made him famous to begin with. 相对于他执导的《一九四二》以及《唐山大地震》等历史题材电影而言,我更喜欢冯导最擅长的“老本行”——讽刺和幽默,尽管前者尚属佳作,但却并非独树一帜。 In that context, Personal Tailor took me back to an earlier Feng. The ingenious premise involves a small group of four people — Yang Zhong , the “director?of dreams” and his resourceful employees Miss Bai , the “fantastician” who designs dream scenarios, Lu Xiaolu , the “caterer of whims”; and Ma Qing , the “spiritual anesthetist”. 在这一点上,《私人订制》将我带回到冯小刚的早期时代。影片立意巧妙,围绕愿望规划师杨重及其“员工智囊团”——“情境设计师”小白、“梦境重建师”小璐与“心灵麻醉师”马青组成的公司展开。 For all their?elaborate?titles, however, they’re essentially members of a high-concept company, which provides regular — and wealthy — clients with a taste of the lives they have always wanted. 尽管他们的名号有些复杂,但本质上都是一家帮平民和富人圆梦的概念公司的成员,该公司的目标是让客户体验到梦寐以求的生活。 In a series of separate segments, the team comes to the aid of a?chauffeur? who yearns for a taste of power, a “vulgar” film director who wants to become a high-culture artist, and a middle-class woman who dreams of becoming a billionaire. 片中分为几个独立章节,这支“圆梦四人组”分别对渴望权力的司机、立志追求高雅艺术却俗不可耐的电影导演以及梦想成为富人的“中产姐”施以援手。 Either as a?therapeutic?experience or something of a moral test, there are elements of satire and farce in each segment. Much of that is thanks to novelist Wang Shuo, who wrote the screenplay. 无论是心理治疗还是道德测试的桥段,各章节都具备了辛辣嘲讽、爆笑十足的元素。而这大部分都要归功于该片编剧——作


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