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摘要 本设计的对象为包头市某公安局附属办公楼,为六层框架结构。本设计主要进行了结构方案中横向框架⑧轴中A、B、C轴框架的设计。首先根据提供资料及框架结构的优点确定框架布局及承重方案。然后根据承重方案的选择、构件截面尺寸的选择、重力荷载代表值的计算及横向框架侧移刚度的计算确定所设计框架为规则框架体系。然后计算了水平地震荷载作用下一榀框架的内力分析并求出内力,做出内力图,计算竖向荷载(恒载、活载)作用下各杆端的内力用二次分配法进行内力分配,接着内力组合,找出最不利的一组或几组来进行构件截面设计。最后,用计算机软件(PKPM)进行一榀框架的配筋图、楼板的配筋图及楼梯的配筋图的结构出图。 关键词:框架结构 结构设计 内力组合 Abstract The design is targeted at the Public Security Bureau in Baotou City subsidiary office for a six-storey frame structure. The design of the main structure of the program framework ⑧ horizontal axis A, B, C axis framework for the design. First according to the design matcrial which provides ,as well as the merits of the framework of layout and loading programs. Under the program then loading the choice beam size choices, gravity loads on behalf of the calculation of horizontal and lateral stiffness framework of the calculation to determine the framework for the design rules framework. Then calculate the horizontal seismic loads framework of the next load analysis and internal forces sought forces, internal forces made plans, calculated vertical load (constant load, live load) under the rod ends with the internal force secondary distribution method for internal force distribution, Then internal force composition, identify the most disadvantaged group or a few groups to beam design. Finally, the computer software (PKPM) carries on one frame to match the muscle chart,the floor matches the musclechart as well as the staircase matches the muscle chart the structure to leave the chart . Keywords : Frame structure Structural Design Endogenic Force compound 第一章 工程概况 该工程为包头某公安局附属办公楼,该办公楼位于包头市XX路北侧,建筑总面积约5140.8m2,建筑总高度为21.6m,室内外高差为450mm。工程室内地坪标高为±0.000m,首层层高为3.9m,其余各层层高均为3.6m。该工程主体为六层,局部五层。为满足规范要求,内设两部电梯,电梯井为剪力墙结构。因该工程位于包头市重要干道路口,沿街建筑层数及立面处理均满足城市规划要求。 该建筑场地的地质、水文及气象资料: 地形:地形较为平坦,由北向南略有倾斜。承载能力标准值f=220KN/m2,三类场地土。 地下水位:场地地下水位在自然地面以下9.5—11.0m。 地下水性质:对各种混凝土无侵蚀性。 地震裂度:8度。抗震设计基本加速度0.2g,抗震设计地震分组为第一组。 最热平均温度:28.0℃(绝对最高气温39℃) 最冷平均温度:-10℃(绝对最低气温


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