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Unit 6 topic 1 Ⅰ. 单项选择。(10分) ( )1. There _____ a tall tree and some chairs at the back of this community. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )2.—What can you see _____ the left of the yard? —A small garden and some tall trees. A. by B. at C. on D. in ( )3.—Could you help me _____ these books to the classroom? 桸o problem. Let’s go. A. taking B. not take C. take D. takes ( )4.—_____ bread do we need, Mom? 桾wo kilos, I think. rA. How many B. How often C. How long D. How much ( )5.—Do you often _____ your parents? 桸oi, seldom. A. write a letter B. write to C. writes to D. writing to ( )6. The old man lives _____ the second floor. He usually goes out for a walk after dinner. A. in B. on C. under D. to ( )7.梂here is the teacherf’s desk, Kangkang? 桹h, ita’s _____ the classroom. A. in the front of B. in the front C. in front D. in front of ( )8. Aunt Li isn’t at home. Can you help her _____ her baby? A. look like B. look after C. look around D. look for ( )9.梂here is Guangzhou? ? Let’s _____ the map of China. A. have a look B. have a look at C. look D. look after ( )10. Judy, don’t put your keys here. _____, please. A. Put them away B. Put up them C. Put them up D. Put away them Ⅱ. 情景交际。(5分) 根据对话的情景,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。其中有两项是多余的。 (In the classroom) Kangkang: What’s over there, Jane? Jane: Where? Kangkang: 11 Jane: Let’s go and see. Oh, it’s a black bag. 12 Kangkang: No, mine is brown. I think it’s Lin Tao’s. Jane: 13 Kangkang and Jane: Hi! Lin Tao! Is this your bag? Lin Tao: 14 Oh, yes, it’s mine. Thank you very much. Kangkang and Jane: 15 A. Let’s go and ask him. B. Let me see. C. It looks like yours. D. Welcome to our class! E. On the floor, under the chair. F. You’re welcome. G. Is your bag brown? 11. _____ 12. _____ 13. _____ 14. _____ 15. _____ Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分) Hi! My name is Li Weikang. I’m fourteen years old. I’m 16 Class 4, Grade 7. Today I’d like 17 you something about our classroom. We 18 a big and bright(明亮的)classroom


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