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我最喜欢的动物的英语作文   导语:同学们都会有自己喜欢的动物,我们会去尽力的照顾它和爱护她,那么为你最喜欢的小动物写成英语作文吧!欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!   精选优秀范文:   Many students like the chicken, duck, dog of what, I have to “love” the cat. I’m a cat though only a short two weeks, but the kitten that clever, lively, lovely appearance but left a deep impression on me.   It was a summer evening, went into my dad carrying a box around, said to me mysteriously “light rain, our house to new guests, you see!” Said and opened the box, the box out a small head, timid looked at the strange place. It was only a little white cat. Dad told me: “the kitten was born less than a month, you must take good care of it.” “Well!” I’m happy to nodded, slowly stroked the cat’s head. The kitten was Snow White, with a pair of blue eyes, greatly touched little paw pads under the quite comfortable.   I’m free every day I play with it, after a few days to get along with, the cat is not as timid as came, very lively. Jumped up and down in the house all day, happy! So, I named him “lele”. “Le le” special love clean. Morning, “le le” at the start of your tongue licking his claws, and then put a face with its claws, just like people face.   ”Le le” favorite fish stew rice, mother to buy fish every time. Buy fish cooked with rice, and then take in a small dish, “le le” hungry can’t wait to run to the front of the plate, buried his head desperately eat. Beep, beep “eat quite well, watch, I want to eat.   Two weeks later, the mother sent “le le” to grandma’s house, and I don’t know how is it now? When the meet again, he also know me? I miss it very much, looking forward to the holidays come, go to see my good friend, “le le”.   参考翻译:   好些同学喜欢小鸡、小鸭、小狗什么的,我却对小猫“情有独钟”。我养小猫虽然只有短短的两个星期,可小猫那聪明、活泼、可爱的样子却给我留下了深刻的印象。   那是夏日的一个傍晚,爸爸拿着一个盒子走到我身边,神秘地对我说“小雨,我们家来新客人了,你看!”说着打开盒子,从盒子里探出一个小脑袋,胆怯的望着这个陌生的地方。原来是只小白猫。爸爸告诉我:“这只小猫生下来还不到一个月,你一定要好好照顾它。”“嗯!”我高兴的点着头,慢慢抚摸着小猫的头。小猫浑身雪白雪白的,睁着一双蓝色大大眼睛,摸着小爪子下面的肉垫舒服极了。   我每天一有空就逗它玩,经过几天的相处,小猫不像刚来时那样胆小怕事了,活泼的很。整天在屋里跳上跳下的,快乐极了!因此,我给它取名为


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