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我的兴趣爱好二年级英语作文   导语:同村们平时除了上课和读书之外,可定有其他特别的兴趣爱好。你肯定有很多想法吧!把它记录下来,编写成英语作文吧!欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!   优秀精选例文:   My hobby is very broad, badminton, billiards, reading books, listening to music... But I most like table tennis. I was influenced by the mother just like table tennis, because my mother every night to practice activity room, I sat watching, I saw a wave of his mother’s arm ball will listen to her command to the other side of the table, sometimes turn up. Soon after, I looked at the adults so hobby table tennis, playing so happy, happy, my hand also some itch, he said to mother: “I also want to learn table tennis, you teach me!” “Ok!” My mom is very frank to promise. My mother taught me to practice the block first. The block faster reaction, it cannot be distracted at all; The block to be powerful, also want to fast ball. I practiced for a long time, also not working, and often will fly ball, a few times and even hit the window. I am a little discouraged, impatiently say: “don’t practice! How boring! I am not!” Then the mother said: “all things are difficult before they are easy! Anything as long as you work hard you will succeed!” Carefully listen to the mother, I thought, if I give up, do what thing can succeed? I asked myself. Then I will continue to insist on down, then I block the best!   参考翻译:   我的兴趣爱好很广泛,羽毛球、台球、读书、听音乐……但是我最喜欢乒乓球。 我是受了妈妈的影响才喜欢上乒乓球的,因为妈妈每天晚上都会去活动室练球,我就坐在一旁观看,只见妈妈手臂一挥,球就会听她的指挥到了球台的另一面,有时还会转起来。 不久,我看着大人们那么爱好乒乓球,打得那么高兴、痛快,我的手也有些痒痒了,就对妈妈说:“我也想学乒乓球,你教我吧!”“好吧!”妈妈很爽快地答应了我。 妈妈首先教我练推挡。推挡反应要快,一点儿都不能走神;推挡要有力,球速也要快。我练了好久,也不见成效,经常将球打飞了,有几次甚至打出了窗外。我有点泄气了,不耐烦地说:“不练了!真没劲!我是学不会了!”这时妈妈说:“万事开头难!只要你努力什么事都会成功的!”听了妈妈的话,我仔细一想,如果我这样放弃了,做什么事能够成功呢?我质问自己。于是我便继续坚持下来,后来我的推挡最出色了!   优秀精选例文:   I like reading, I sometimes see during the day and sometimes at night, I like to read fairy tales, composition and so on. Weekend, as soon as I finish the homework, I will take out mother bought me a document, when I’m free in the evening, will be out of a fairy tale bo


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