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回家复习计划 必下载文件: 张驰新雅思资料最权威下载 小新课堂 笔记 version 9.0 雅思回家复习计划 ppt——置顶的最后一个贴 雅思论据大汇总 (2 句) be scattered with 雅思必备200句(保6分) It is acknowledged that (5 句) Routine Rubric 常项题型 Seldom Rubric 偷袭题型 Insight Into IELTS make one’s debut Process=Flow chart Compare—summarize 共性 Contrast—analyze 个性 sterilize deshape rocket plummet soar slump surge subside boom ebb creep up creep down accrue abate leap dip rally retrieve dormant 整数单位 程度副词 每栏掌握两个 Task 1的3种基本句型 mildly surge= rise moderately soar=rise sharply boom=rise gently 实义副词 绝对描述系统 verb(天龙八部) 相对描述系统 junk verb +adverb A: rise sharply/maximally B: rise comparatively gently D: rise gently/minimally C: rise comparatively sharply B2: rise sharply A2: rise comparatively sharply more less 绝对性副词 perfect 10,100,1000, accrue=rise gradually and gently leap=rise smoothly and sharply 起落同幅 rise and fall evenly 60%= three-fifths// three out of five = a/the majority of = a large/striking/dominant/leading portion/part/share/proportion/percentage/margin of 80% (93%)= a lion’s share 5%= a minority of, a marginal/micro/slim/tiny/small-scaled/meagre portion 37.8%= maximum/comparatively a majority of (50%的最大值) comparatively a minority of WRONG 7.3% 87%/76%/53% 饼图的三句万能句型 数据+抄题+导入宾语 Band 5 主语+“占据”(先特征,后数据) Band 6 剩余数据 Band 7(Combo) “占据”的讲法: constitute make up be the factor(s)/instrument(s) of 致成物 the remaining a. the rest a./n. the remainder n. the remnant n. in the charge of – sb due to//owing to//attributed/ascribed to//for//oriented to—sth Pie Chart的审题过程: 看文字信息 标题审题 标1\2\3 213 2:极端数据及其周围(与之接近)数据 1:一般数据 3:落单数据 例4: Food and drink, Other items covered comparatively a majority of the Average weekly expenditure, with 26% and 24% respectively. Task 1的时态: 现在时——无时间 过去时——过去时间 将来时——将来时间 从过去到将来——现在时 两种禁忌时态: 现在完成时(描述阶段) Since 1970, there has been a large increase. 现在进行时 On the other hand, Recreation and education, Clothing accounted for a small portion of the expenditure, with 17% altogether. “累加”的写法: totali


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