feedingis parenting- california departmentof public health(feedingis育儿——加州departmentof公共卫生).doc

feedingis parenting- california departmentof public health(feedingis育儿——加州departmentof公共卫生).doc

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feedingis parenting- california departmentof public health(feedingis育儿——加州departmentof公共卫生)

Feeding Is Parenting! Who WIC participants Why Experts tell us that it is very important for parents to establish a POSITIVE FEEDING RELATIONSHIP with their children. Time about 20 minutes Setup Arrange chairs in a semi-circle for discussion and so that children can gather to listen to the reading of the book. Objectives By the end of this session, participants will have: Named one thing parents can do to make reading with children more enjoyable. Discussed 2 ways parents can foster healthy eating habits in their children. Lesson Overview Introduction Warm-Up Activity Discussion Book Closing and Summary Materials Flipchart and Markers Learning Agreement Poster Book: The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food Handout: “La Familia Oso y sus Bocadillos” (translating the storyline to Spanish) Poster: “Parent-Child Feeding Tasks” Activities 1. Introduction Welcome all to class. Introduce yourself and the topic of today’s discussion. Review: Today’s discussion will take about 20 minutes Learning Agreement for Group Discussions (poster) 2. Warm-Up Activity Ask for a show of hands of how many participants agree with this statement: I want my child to eat well. Acknowledge that most parents want their children to eat well because we know that eating affects a child’s growth and health. Ask: Can anyone tell us about a time when you worried that your child was not eating well? If no one responds, you might share your own experiences with children. Thank them for sharing their experience, and confirm that most parents worry about their child’s eating habits at one time or another. Tell them that today they will receive a book that tells a story about a family in which the mom notices that her children haven’t been eating very well lately. 3. Discussion Before introdu



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