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红军抗战胜利80周年英语作文   导语:80多年前的中国正在苦难当中挣扎,就是因为有了红军的出现,他们勇敢抗敌保卫国家,才会有我们今天的安定与繁荣!欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!   长征胜利的优秀范文:   In MAO zedong’s poetry has such a few words: “Liverpool are not afraid of the expedition difficult, the long march just aimlessly. The five ridges yoho teng small waves, wumeng majestic drawing-board...” This a few words of the poem reflects our red army in the grass, in the process of climbing mountains, not by natural barriers and terminate the spiritual path.   The beginning of the long march, is not we would like to go, the red army is forced. The national government in various attacks, our red army casualties is very heavy. The red army in the journey of the long march, all the way to guard against the kuomintang and the Japanese invaders, faced before and after the siege, make our red army had many combat experience.   Especially in the face of the kuomintang, again and again “encirclement and suppression” in front, make the red army had better fighting measures, that is “from the main enemy, in-depth, concentrate superior forces and the annihilation of the enemy, clean, neat to smash the enemy’s counter-revolutionary” encirclement and suppression “. Stand tall red political power in the land, confrontation with the kuomintang regime.   Further north, the red army they force dadu river, FeiDuo luding bridge, think about what happened, how dangerous it is, in FeiDuo luding bridge, but again surprised again risks, every one is only a piece of wood, and then put the plank on the chain, so step by step to climb in the past, as long as a little careless, will drop down the surge of tide waves but overcome our red army soldiers and obstacles. Because of such astonishing perseverance, won the Shanghai bridge so long march to victory.   In January 1935, the central committee of the communist party of China held in zunyi enlarged politburo conference, meeting corrected antique and other people in the military and organizational “left” errors, af


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