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经典的九一八事变英语演讲稿   导语:“九一八事变”是日本帝国主义长期以来推行对华侵略扩张政策的必然的结果,也是企图把中国变为其独占的殖民地而采取的重要步骤,是需要被每一个中国人谨记的日子,你一定会有许多不一样的想法吧,把它记录下,来编写成英语范文吧!欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!   精彩的九一八英语演讲稿:   The revitalization of the Chinese dear classmates:   Everybody is good!   Today I want to address is “do not forget national humiliation the revitalization of China”.   The thought of this sentence, seal into eye first of all is war. Yeah! The earliest how wealthy country, and at that time the Chinese were opium, how many patriots struggle to resist, things in the end, China and other imperialist to sign the unequal treaties. Is from at that time, China did not have the ability to resist, is ever the beginning of the war scenes.   In part ii of the 5th grade, we study the destruction of the old Summer Palace. That shrieks, how sad, how sad, the imperialists invaded China take many luxury things away, can’t carry the burn, after a few days in the past, once luxury yuanmingyuan only some residual pillars.   Although our motherland rich be taken from you, but those patriots perseverance has not yet been claimed. Finally a patriot and a stand, one of them called MAO zedong patriots. Under his leading, through the eight years of war, country stood up! In my own mind cheering, aggression by us imperialists out of China. The people’s need not be riding on the head by them.   Then, the communist party, then the founding of the People’s Republic of China.   Chairman MAO zedong is really great, without him, there is no patriot, there is no our happy life. Together, please remember this sentence, “do not forget national humiliation the revitalization of China. And at heart sing the national anthem. “Get up, don’t want to do the slave’s people, our flesh and blood build up our new Great Wall...   Thank you all!   参考翻译:   振兴中华亲爱的同学们:   大家好!   今天我要演讲的是“勿忘国耻振兴中华”。   一想起这句话,印入眼帘的首先是战争。是啊!最早的祖国多么的富裕,而那时的中国人却被鸦片冲昏了头脑,多少爱国人士奋力抵抗,事情到最后,中国与其他帝国主义签下了不平等条约。就是从那时中国没有了抵抗能力,就是从那时战争一幕幕开场。   就在五年级下册的时候,我们学习了圆明园的毁灭。那惨叫声


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