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  ﹒深入对话   考官进一步问你关于一些话题的看法。例如:   ﹒ What kind of professions show status in your country?   ﹒ Modern society is often called materialistic. Why do you think this is?   ﹒What is the role of advertising?   ﹒ How do you think the internet will affect buying patterns in the future?   ﹒个人长谈   考官让你抽一个话题,给你1至2分钟准备,让你做1至2分钟的演讲。这部分比较接近雅思口语考试的第二部分。例如:Describe an activity in school.   When I was in middle school, I attended a training class for dancing, because then, many classmates of mine told me that dancing was not only a wonderful sport which could exercise my coordination which I used to be poor at, it could also improve my artistic taste, and many of them would attend the training. I was trained there for about 2 month. The instructor spent about 1 month training my basic skills like flexibility, music sense, sit-ups and pull-ups and basic movements like pony, sunrise and twist. To me, all those training items seemed more like an aerobics training class other than a dancing class, but who cares. Two month passed, and I didn’t think I really know how to dance well then. But later, when I was old enough to go dancing with my friends, all those training items seemed to work well, you know, I could dance a movement at only one sight of it, which is a mission impossible to most amateur dancers. This activity brought me a strong sense of achievement.   ﹒考生对话   考官给你和另外一个考生一个话题,给你们一段准备的时间,然后让你们进行对话讨论。   ﹒图片描绘,分析与讨论   这种形式非常接近考研笔试写作的图片作文,只不过是以口语的形式考。每个学校会根据自己的想法来指定考试的具体的形式,但一般都会包括以上的两到四个部分。  专业备考:不必担心专业词汇太少   现在很多学校英语复试的形式更加灵活,比如不再采取单独的英语复试,而是把英语复试和专业课复试融在一起进行,其具体形式大概可以分为两种:   1.专业课老师与英语老师组成一个复试团队,复试过程中专业课老师用汉语提问专业问题,而英语老师用英语提问一些与考生考取专业相关的问题。例如,考取金融方向研究生的考生可能会遇到如下问题:   Could you explain the Chinese monetary policy in English?   What do you think will be the impact of current global economic crisis on Chinese economy?   2. 由于现在高校老师的整体素质提高,复试中由专业老师直接用英语进行提问。   虽然用英语对专业问题进行考查是研究生复试的一个新的趋势,但考生不必担心自己的专业词汇太少或无法用英语表达自己的观点,因为即使用英文提问专业相关的问题,这部分的目的仍旧是考查考生的英语水平,问题一般比较浅显,不会涉及到大量专业词汇。除一般性备考外还


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