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2008 年同等学力英语讲义1. 网络工程师正在发明一种新型的网络连接方式,这种方式传输信息之多传输速度之快令很多网上冲浪者感到惊讶。这种技术通过快于现在网络传输上万倍的速度开辟出了一条新的途径。如一切遵循计划,在不久的将来人人都能享受这种快速获得大量信息的机会。它也许可以帮助我们解决因特网交通量迅速增长带来的问题。这项技术会需要新的软件和光纤连接到电脑上,但是电脑基本设置不变。2007 年1. 标准化教育测试或心理教育测试现在广泛应用于协助选拔、分类、委派或提升学生、雇员和军事人员,这些测试一直是某些人近年来在图书、杂志、日报甚至国会中抨击的目标。把这种标准化测试作为抨击的目标是不对的。因为,在抨击这种测试时,抨击者没有考虑其弊病来自人们对测试不甚了解或使用不当。这些测试本身只是一种工具,其各种特性是可以在规定的条件下用适当的精度来测定的。测试的结果是有价值的,还是没意义的,甚至是误导的,部分取决于这种工具本身,但主要取决于测试的使用者。2006 年1. 野生动物管理的一大主要任务是对自然栖息地的保护和改良,这样,动物们就会有足够的食物和水来维持生存。野生动物管理包括保护土壤,以营造良好的植被,也包括对植被的保护,这不仅是作为食物之源来保护,更是作为一个项目来保护。动物需要隐蔽处来应对它们的天敌并能安全抚育它们的后代。正如庄稼熟了要收割一样,野生生物有时也必须得 “收获”。通过允许适当打猎,良好的管理可以控制一些因过度繁殖而威胁到它们栖息地的物种。Partt ITypee 1第七部分Four Types of WriittingTwo -ssiided-类型写作(15%)From the story given above we know that more andmore graduates will be faced with such a hard choice:to pursue Master’s degree or to find a job immediately. This choice has, no doubt, become the focus of publicconcern and discussion. Just as an old saying goes, any coin has two sides, and it is no exception with the choicebetween study or work.On one hand, it can be reasonably argued that graduates should lay a solid foundation for their future30同等学力英语讲义because competition is becoming more and more fierce, and anybody who wants to be successful must be aspecialist. Therefore, graduates should continue learning and studying to have the degree of Master. On theother hand, however, people may hold that graduates should find a job at once because their families have spentmuch on their four-year study and they can go back to school to learn more if they find that their knowledgecan’t meet the demands. Thus graduates should go to work in order to lighten their families’ burden. (111 words)Actually, work and study are complementary to each other rather than in conflict. As far as I am concerned,work should be the first consideration for these students. Practical work may help students understand themeaning of knowledge and learning. Work may also enable students to know what type of lear


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