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《21世纪大学实用英语综合练习》第四册答案 Key?for Workbook (4) Unit 1 Part 1 Text Exercises I. 1-4FHAB 5-8GECD???9.premature? 10.predetermined 11.precautions? 12.predict? 13.preconditions 14.Preschool 15. preview 16. predictions II. 1. lean on a stick?? 2. a bundle of laundry ?? 3. count out ??? 4. have never been so pleased with…? ? 5.a real find ?????? 6. have sth. ready 7. a home for the aged 8. speak of the stubbornness of mankind?? 9. work beyond the limits of one’s power? 10. three weeks at the most? ?? 11.nothing is heard of (sb.) ?? 12. mourn for ? 13.mend a shirt ???????????????????? 14. a sunken mouth and pale lips 15. stand on one’s feet again ?????? 16. with the help of III. 1-10 H M Q R A V B C P F ????11-20 ?T X W L G? U D N E I ??21-24? J O S K IV. (let + ad./prep.) 1-7 C D E A F G B??????8. let…in for? 9. let…off? 10. let out 11. let up 12. let down???????????????13. let …in??? 14. let alone (pass + ad./prep. ) 1-6:?? pass away;?pass by; pass down; pass for; pass off; pass on; 7-12:? pass over; pass out; passed by; pass on; passed away; passed down; 13-15: ?pass for; passed off; passed over. V. 1-6? easy?? where?? from?? outside?? steal?? on??? 7-12 what?? time??? begged?? for????? with?? bore? VI. Passage 1: 1-6BDBDAD Passage 2: 1-5:??? CDCAB VII. 1. cry for help??2. a terrified boy?3. repay him 4. a good education 5. the discoverer Part Ⅱ Exercises for PRETCO II. 1-5 ABBDC???? 6-10 DCABC??? 11-15 CBDDC??? 16-20 BCBAD 21-25: had accumulated; absence; faithfully; stagger; unload; 26-30: vanished; be restored; Civilization; cultural; were paving III. 1-5 BCBDA 6. British Sign Language 7. Metropolitan Museum 8.concepts and terminology 9. ﹩75; 10. 212-650-2833 IV. 1-4 BAAC 5. 使用法定术语作为双方当事人的别称时,要小心。除非一方当事人就是法定承包人,否则不要将“承包人”作为其别称。同样,除非你想让一方当事人成为法定代理人,否则不要称其为“代理人”,如果坚持要用,最好明确一下代理范围并找到其他可以避免将来产生争执的方案。 V. Homes Famous


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