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1. 一了百了 get it over and done with 2. 一无所长 have no special skill 3. 一无所获 have gained nothing 4. 一五一十in full detail 5. 一文不值of no use whatsoever 6. 一心一意 with undivided attention 7. 一目了然 leap to the eye 8. 一叶知秋The falling of one leaf heralds the autumn. 9. 一丘之貉be tarred with the same brush 10. 一帆风顺go off without a hitch(故障) 11. 一字之差the change of one word 12. 一时兴起by fits and snatches 13. 一针见血hit the right nail on the head 14. 一言为定That’s settled then. 15. 一应俱全Everything needed is there. 16. 一张一弛alternate tension with relaxation 17. 一纸空文a mere scrap of paper 18. 一事无成All have ended in smoke. 19. 一鸣惊人come as a bombshell 20. 一败涂地bite the dust 21. 一知半解have scanty knowledge 22. 一刻千金Every minute counts. 23. 一览无遗in full view 24. 一星半点a tiny bit 25. 一举两得kill two birds with one stone 26. 一语道破hit the mark with a single comment 27. 一笑置之laugh out of court 28. 一窍不通be Greek to one 29. 一诺千金as good as one’s word 30. 一清二楚as clear as crystal 31. 一落千丈go to pot 32. 一朝一夕in one day 33. 一筹莫展be at one’s wit’s end 34. 一意孤行go one’s own way 35. 一蹴而就make it at one/a stroke 36. 十万火急be in hot haste 37. 十年寒窗persevere(坚持) ten years in one’s studies in spite of hardships 38. 十全十美be perfect in every way 39. 十拿九稳have …in bag 40. 七上八下be greatly upset 41. 七窍生烟in a great fury 42. 七零八落go to reck(顾虑)and rain 43. 八面玲珑dance and sing all weathers 44. 人山人海a sea of faces 45. 人之常情human nature 46. 人云亦云echo one’s words 47. 人心不古 Human hearts are not what they were in the old days. 48. 人去楼空 When the master was absent, his mansion(大厦, 官邸, 公寓) was dead. 49. 人各有志Every one has his own ambition. 50. 人多智广More people means more ideas. 51. 人多嘴杂Agreements is difficult if there are too many people. 52. 人困马乏The entire force was exhausted . 53. 人言可畏Opinion rules the world. 54. 人穷志短poverty chills(使冷) ambition 55. 人定胜天Man can conquer nature.[nature前无the ] 56. 人面兽心a wolf in a sheep’s clothing 57. 人情世故the way of the world 58. 入乡随俗Do in Rome as the Romans do. 59. 入木三分give a vivid picture of cut to the quick[注:此处原为vived,而其例子却是vivid,故可见vi


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