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焦点教育出品-SAT语法30道动态时态练习题   1. Roger had just walked into his office and that was when he was told that his plan had finally been approved.   (A) and that was when he was told   (B) and then he learned   (C) when it was learned by him   (D) and then they told him   (E) when he learned   2. Rilke, the great German poet, could not continue his search for angelic spirits until he can rely on a strength greater than his own.   (A) can rely on a strength greater than his own   (B) could rely on a strength greater than his own   (C) would be able to rely on a strength greater than his own   (D) can rely on a strength greater than his strength   (E) could rely on a strength greater than his strength   3. At Versailles after the First World War, the Allies believed they had drafted a treaty that would have ensured permanent peace.   (A) would have ensured permanent peace   (B) would ensure permanent peace   (C) had ensured permanent peace   (D) will ensure permanent peace   (E) ensures permanent peace   4. No sooner had Andrea del Sarto traveled to France to work for the French king but his wife persuaded him to return to Italy.   (A) but his wife persuaded him to return   (B) but his wife had him persuaded into returning   (C) than he was persuaded by his wife that he will return   (D) but he was persuaded by his wife into returning   (E) than his wife persuaded him to return   5. As I entered the Pantheon, a building that has existed in Rome since ancient times, my brother is turning to me to whisper that the great rotunda of the Pantheon was a haven of peace and harmony.   (A) is turning to me to whisper   (B) turned to me and whispered   (C) turns to me and is whispering   (D) turns and also whispers to me   (E) would turn and whisper to me   6. Isolated by the sea, the aboriginal peoples of Australia had developed a unique culture long before the arrival of Europeans.   (A) had developed a unique culture   (B) had a unique culture and it developed   (C) having developed a


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