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Learning aims: Discuss, explain and understand the difficult points of the test paper. 初三英语试卷 讲 评 课 测试反馈 题 型 正确率 高频错题 涉及知识点 选择填空 75% 4.13 宾语从句,被动语态 单词拼写 81% 18 名词复数变化 英汉互译 82% 24.25 谓语,语序 动词应用 45% 28.29 33.34 时态语态 阅读理解 85% 38 细节 书面表达 选择填空 单词拼写 英汉互译 动词应用 阅读理解 书面表达 选择填空题 题号 答案 干扰项 考点聚焦 (考查什么语言点) 4 A D 5 A C 13 B A Multiple Choice 宾语从句时态语序 感叹句 被动和搭配 Multiple Choice 选择题 小组讨论: 小组讨论后,组长先汇报组内解决不了的问题,然后四组交叉讲解。 高频错题: A 4. The teacher asked the students__________. if they were interested in computers B. when was Albert Einstein born C. what they will do with the computers D. how many trees they have planted 宾 1.主过从过 从 2主现从具 四 3.语序用陈述语序 点 4.客观真理用一般现在时 巩固练习: She wondered __________. how much he cost the computer?????? how much he paid for the computer how much the computer will cost him????????? how much did he spend on the computer B 【巩固训练】 13. The workers were made________ day and night A. work B. to work C. works D. worked B She was seen________ (go) to the market yesterday. to go 高频错题: 解析: 以下词变为被动需要加to 一感 feel,二听 listen to和hear 三让 make /let /have 四看 look at/ see/ watch/notice 单词拼写 16.ninth 17.widely 18.wolves(leaf,knife) 19.dresses 20.importance leaves knives 三.英汉互译 (注意:书写,汉语式英语) 23.I like music that I can sing along with. 24.Everyone is born with the ability to learn. 25.Could you please tell me where the restroom is? 谓语用单数 从句用陈述句语序 动词应用: 题号 答案 错误答案 考点 29 would have will have 过去将来时 34 to become will become 不定时表目的 35 is studying studies 进行时表状态 动词应用 小组讨论: 小组讨论后,推举同学来讲解。 Kate wants to be a nurse and (26)______(work) for the sick. She knows they need her help. Whenever Kate goes to the hospital, she always sees many patients there. Last summer Kate (27)________(break) her leg. The pain was very gre


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