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历年中高级中口译试题 中级口译翻译真题讲评2001 年 9 月考题(英译汉)   TRANSLATION TEST (1) (30 MINUTES) Direction: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.   By the middle of this century, some two thirds of the worlds nation, with at least five billion people, will enjoy a standard of living, which only the advanced economies now have. Some three billion of these people will live in Asia. Collectively, the Asian Countries will have a larger economy than the rest of the world put together.   The rest of the world will have to react to this millennial economic shift to Asia, and to the rising power of China. The rest of the world will be divided between the Euro-American countries, and the two big peripheral powers, Japan and Russia. Russia is a huge geographical country, with well educated people, and will eventually recover.   In terms of nations, it will be a world of much greater economic equality. Although there will still be poor countries, most will be quite rich. Inside these nations there will be mass prosperity, but with a large minority in serious poverty, and a small number who are very rich.   分析:   ① By the middle of this century, some two thirds of the worlds nation, with at least five billion people, will enjoy a standard of living, (which only the advanced economies now have).   译文1:到本世纪中叶,世界上约三分之二的国家,至少 50 亿人口,将会过上当今只有发达经济体才享有的生活。   译文2:到本世纪中叶,世界上约三分之二的国家,至少 50 亿人口,将享受到目前只有经济发达国家才享有的生活水准。   考点: some 在这里表示“大约”,与数字连用。如: He spent some twenty of his life in Africa.   定语从句的翻译:前置法:尽管这句定语从句为非限制性定语从句,但意思较简单,因此前置。   ② Some three billion of these people will live in Asia. 译文:其中约 30 亿人口居住 / 生活在亚洲。   ③ Collectively, the Asian Countries will have a largereconomythan the rest of the world put together.   译文:亚洲国家的经济总量,将超过其他国家地区(经济规模)的总和。   考点: 转性译法:副词 → 形容词 collectively→ 整体的   collectively 本为副词,表示“集中起来”,如在一开始翻译,就会产生无主句,令人匪夷所思。如翻译成“亚洲国家的经济规模集中起来” ”,也不是最佳。因此翻译成“亚洲国家的整体经济规模”,把 collectively 处理成“整体的”。   具体译法:加字法:


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