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* * * * * * * * * * * 2008/10/12 飞行学院绵阳分院 第 * 页 巡航时的贫富油调节 LYCOMING FLYER 第41页: Operation at peak EGT, particularly on long flights, can be an advantage not only for purposes of increased range, but there is less likelihood of spark plug fouling as well.P41 尤其是在长时间的巡航飞行,将发动机贫富油调节在EGT峰值的好处,除了能增加航程外,还能减小电嘴污染的可能性。 LYCOMING FLYER 第41页: The location of peak EGT on the gage will also vary with dif-ferent power settings, changes in altitude and change in ambient temperature. EGT峰值位置随功率设置、高度和环境温度的变化而变化。 2008/10/12 飞行学院绵阳分院 第 * 页 巡航时的贫富油调节 LYCOMING FLYER 第42页: Best economy mixture as it relates to the EGT system begins at peak. Best power mixture, or sometimes termed maximum power range, as depicted on the EGT gage, is in the range of plus 100? F on the rich side of peak. 飞行手册第4-36页:The recommended lean mixture: 50? F rich of peak EGT. 最经济混合比:EGT峰值。 最佳功率混合比:EGT峰值富油侧100? F 。 推荐混合比:EGT峰值富油侧5 0? F 。 For aircraft with an EGT gage, a good “rule of thumb”(凭经验) for most general aviation engines at cruise is to lean to ( )? 2008/10/12 飞行学院绵阳分院 第 * 页 巡航时的贫富油调节 LYCOMING FLYER 第41页: Where a cylinder head temperature is also available, the operator should always cross-check the head temperature as a routine procedure when leaning, and remember that whenever CHT reaches the maximum before reaching peak EGT, then CHT rather than EGT should dictate the limit of allowable leaning. 巡航时调贫应兼顾CHT指示,任何时候只要CHT在EGT峰值前到达最大值,就应以CHT来判定调贫极限。 2008/10/12 飞行学院绵阳分院 第 * 页 进近、着陆时的贫富油调节 LYCOMING FLYER 第15页: During let-down and reduced-power flight operations, it may be necessary to manually lean or leave mixture setting at cruise position prior to landing. During the landing sequence, the mixture control should then be placed in the full-rich position, unless landing at high-elevation fields where operation at a lean setting may be necessary. 在下降和减功率飞行时,可能有必要在着陆前进行人工调贫油或保持在巡航时的贫富油设置。 在着陆过过程中,混合比必须置于全富油位,除非在高标高机场着陆,此时可能有必要在适当贫油状态下操作发动机。 密度高度高,防止发动机过富油在跑道上停车 2008/10/12 飞行学院绵阳分院 第 * 页 关车程序


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