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What do you know about Colombia? Read the following opinions of a Colombian and a Swiss student. In which country is it OK to be 15 minutes late for dinner? 首先,迅速浏览,掌握大意。 速读全文,抓住中心主旨很有必要,在速读的过程中,应尽可能多地捕获信息材料。其次,带着问题,回到原文中去寻找、捕获有关信息。要领是:1) 明确题意,顺藤摸瓜。2) 按照要求,寻找答案来源。3) 找准关键词,明白其暗示作用。4) 再读课文,看答案是否符合题意。 In which country is it OK to be 15 minutes late for dinner? 1. Is it OK if people in Colombia arrive a bit late for a friend’s dinner? 2. Who are pretty relaxed about time, Colombians or Swiss people? Say something about customs in Colombia and Switzerland about being on time and visiting friends. B: Nothing. They only said thank you, but then just put them away in a corner. I really didn’t know why. Didn’t they like them? A: Oh, That’s misunderstanding. In the west, it’s regarded as polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to express appreciation. But in China, if you did that, you might be thought greedy (贪婪的). So Chinese people tend to open the gifts after the visitors have left. 1. Where I’m from, we are pretty relaxed about time. where引导地点状语从句,说明主句行为发生的地点。 e.g. Just stay where you are. 就留在你原来的地方。 relaxed adj. 放松的,自在的 be relaxed about … 对……感到放松 e.g. Don’t be afraid, just be relaxed about the interview. 不要害怕,轻松面试。 You just need to be relaxed about this examination. 你只要放松地面对考试就可以了。 2. We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives. value v. 珍视,重视 e.g. I’ve always valued my teachers’ advice. 我一直很重视老师们所给的建议。 life n. 生活(可数名词) e.g. Many people make different kinds of friends in their social lives. 许多人在他们的社交生活中结交了各 种不同的朋友。 3. We often just drop by our friends’ homes if we have time. drop by 顺便拜访;随便进入 e.g. Drop by my home this evening. 今晚到我家来谈谈。 4. We’re the capital of clocks and watches, after all! after all 毕竟 e.g. So you see, I was right after all. 你看, 毕竟还是我对吧。 You decided to come after


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