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Thomas Hardy (1840 --- 1928) Feng Xiangxue “英国小说中的莎士比亚” Introduction of Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), was an English novelist and poet, one of the representatives of English critical realism at the turn of the 19th century. His father was a stonemason. And his mother was interested in literature and influenced him so much. His birthplace was in a country which named Dorset(多塞特郡)in the Westland; this natural environment formed the main environment in the Hardy’s writes. He is famous for novels of character and environment. 文坛地位:托马斯?哈代 是英国文学史上的又一座丰碑。他的创作为他在世界文学中奠定了不朽的地位,使他成为同莎士比亚(Shakespeare)、狄更斯(Dickens)等世界著名作家齐名的人物,曾被誉为“英国小说中的莎士比亚” 。 。 The main works of Hardy. The Return of the Native (1878) Tess of the DUrbervilles (1891) Far from the Madding Crowd (1874) The Mayor of Casterbridge (1901) Jude the Obscure(1895) 托马斯哈代的作品列表及特点 Features of Hardy’s works Hardy’s works reflected the changed of social economy, political, moral and tradition when the hypocritical bourgeoisie invaded the countries in England, especially exposed womens tragic life and hypocrisy of bourgeoisie morals, legal and religious。His works not only inherited the great tradition of England realism,but also pioneering the way for 20th century British literature. Features of Hardy’s works 哈代一生共创作15部长篇小说,4个短篇小说集,8卷诗集和两部 诗剧。他的作品虽不像狄更斯那样诙谐幽默,但却含蓄隽永,令人回味。其作品在散发着浓浓的乡土人情味的同时,又闪烁着启迪人的智慧与悟性的光辉。哈代以一位冷峻、严肃的现实主义作家的责任感,在其作品中倾注了对宗教、伦理、人生、社会、爱情、婚姻等诸多问题的思考。 哈代曾将自己的小说分为三类:性格和环境的小说、罗曼斯和幻想作品、精于结构小说。但就他的具体作品而言,很难区分类别,往往发生混淆不清和可此可彼的情况。大体说来,他的性格和环境的小说,主要是反映人物和社会的关系的社会小说,数量和影响最大,代表了哈代小说现实主义的最高成就。 在英国文学史上,哈代一生跨越两个世纪,有着但丁一样的独特地位。他以自己的现实主义创作继承和发扬了英国文学传统,又以自己独特的创作模式融合了现代意识和现代情愫,成为英国文学中一架承上启下的桥梁。 Literature career His literature career began with poetry, but due to not have the good fortune to publish, changed the matter for novel creation. His first long novel was published in 1871, the celebrated work was his fourth novel Farm from Madding Crowd in 1874, from then on, and h


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