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Brief Introduction An order is a demand to buy an exact amount of goods. Order letters create one half of a contract. Different Samples of Order Letters A listing format of an order form should include: The quality and specifications of goods Indicate the name of the product, the model or article numbers, if any, the page of the catalog from which you are ordering, the quantity of each item, and the price. The packing and the price of goods Terms of payment Time of shipment 订单或订购信函应: 1. 包含详细的说明、数量、价格以及货号等 2. 说明包装方式、目的港以及装运期 3. 确认在初期洽谈时所同意的付款条件 An order letter should be as accurate and clear as possible, because any error may cause unexpected trouble. Some letters omit the social complimentary remarks and start straightforward with “Please send the following merchandise to us.” (see sample 1 in p.176) Dear Mr. Gilson, Sub: Order for 2,000 Pairs of Sheep Leather Gloves Please dispatch to us 2,000 pairs of sheep leather gloves as per the terms stated in your offer of May 5. Would you please take special care of the quality and the package of this order? The leather should be of the same quality as that used in the sample. We hope that you can pack each pair in an airtight polythene bag, a dozen pairs of gloves in a box and then 20 boxes to a strong seaworthy wooden case. We will order more if the first order with you prove to be satisfactory. We are enclosing our Purchase Confirmation No.2009-308 in duplicate for your signature. Please sign and return one copy for our file. Upon receipt of your confirmation, an L/C will be issued. Sincerely yours, Notes 这是一封订购函。此信函是双方的首次合作,在写作上首先以subject/sub开头提出主题;然后报出订购的数量,接着对质量提出了具体详细要求;同时提醒对方首次合作的重要性。 dispatch V.发货, 派遣, 发送 as per 根据,按照 airtight adj.密封的 polythene bag n.聚乙烯塑料袋 seaworthy adj.适合海运的 Duplicate n.副本 Please sign and return one copy for our file. 请签退一份供我方存档。 Dear Mr. Carter, Please ship us orange marmalade as per the following terms: We are awaiting your acknowledgement. Faithfully, Notes 本文是一封订购函。这种


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