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1)in rich contrast to 2)are exposed to 3)risked his life 4)rely on 5)at knife-point 6)stands out 7)runs contrary to 1)Action speaks louder than words. 2)Production here needs temperatures lower than 25 degrees Celsius. 3)I like to keep things rather than throw them away. 4)There is nobody here other than me. 5)She’d rather leave her job than (be forced to) work for that boss. 1) d. 2) k 3) n 4) j 5) a 6) g 7) f 1) relying 2) intrigued 3) penny 4) for 5) covered 6) treated 7) amazed 8) contrary Key to Unit 1 Book 2 Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in action Page 25 1) bunch 2) amazed 3) shift 4) bundle 5) drop 6) capacity 7) participating 8) style 9) commerce 10) rob 11) symbol 12) appreciated 13) displayed 14) slip 15) conquer 16) roast 17) figured 2. page 26 8)flag down 9)picks/picked up 10)took a gamble on 11)pulled away 12)pulled over Increasing Your Word Power: page 27 1. 2) over 3) back 4) down 5) over 6) up 7) out 8) back 9) down 10) out 11) up 12) over 13) back 14) out 15) down 16) over 1) out Increasing Your Word Power: page 28 2. Increasing Your Word Power: page 29~30 3. 8) b 9) o 10) m 11) p 12) e 13) c 14) h 15) i 16) l Grammer in Context: page 30~31 1 1) preparing 2) to thank 3) repairing / to be repaired 4) to get 5) studying 6) being treated 7) missing 8) to reduce 9) to leave 10) worrying page 31~32 2 1) kept nodding, rather confused 2) Fallen leaves 3) surprised, hiding 4) Deeply moved 5) following 6) Being, interested 7) located 8) reading Cloze: page 32 9) generally 10) whatever 11) invited 12) attentive 13) where Translation: page 32~33 1) 离婚的传言不过是为他的新电影炒作的手段而已。(a ploy to do sth.) The rumor about his divorce is just a ploy to gain publicity for his new film. 2) 他孤注一掷,用父母留给他的所有钱来开一家工厂。(take a gamble on st


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