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本科生毕业论文 城市商业银行的管理模式与发展战略研究 —— 以宁波银行为例 学生姓名 ____ ________ 指导教师 ____ ________ 级 别 ____ _______ 学 院 ___ ______ 专 业 _________ 班 级 __________ 学 号 _____ _ 二0一 年 月 日 城市商业银行的管理模式与发展战略研究 —— 以宁波银行为例 摘 要 截至2008年年底,我国城市商业银行有136家,比2007年增加了12家;从业人员达到15.09万人,同比增长了22.28%。根据银监局的统计数据: 2008年银行业金融机构总资产达623,876.3亿元,5家国有商业银行总资产为318,358亿元,占银行业金融机构比例为5%; 12家股份制商业银行总资产88,091.5亿元,占银行业金融机构总资产比例1%;然而全国136家城商行总资产41,319.7亿元,占银行业金融机构总资产比例6.%。虽然城市商业银行的发展对于深化我国金融体制改革、促进地方经济发展、维护社会稳定都有着十分重要的意义。但目前五大国有银行的垄断和各大股份制银行的迅速发展,加上外资银行的不断渗透,使城市银行面临的竞争形势日趋白热化。城市商业银行若想在竞争中求生存求发展,首先要做到“知己”。本文就是重点分析研究2009年评为“最佳城市商业银行”的宁波银行的先进管理模式和发展战略——引进外资、跨区域经营、改制上市,来探究城市商业银行今后的出路。 关键词:引进外资;跨区域经营;改制上市 The research of management mode and development strategy of city commercial banks,taking Bank of Ningbo for example Abstract At the end of 2008,the total number of China city commercial bank was 136, 12 more than that of in 2007.Meanwhile, the number of staff was up to 150,900, which increased by 22.28% year-on-year. According to the statistics on CBRC,at the end of 2008,total assets of banking financial institutions were up to CNY 62,388 billion, of which 5 state-owned banks accounted for 51%(CNY 31,835.8 billion),of which 12 stock commercial banks accounted for 14.1% (CNY 8,809.2 billion) while 136 nation-wild city commercial banks only accounted for 6.6% (CNY 4131.97 billion).Nowadays, the competition situation that city commercial banks confronts is increasingly at a white heat for monopoly of state-owned banks and rapid development of stock commercial banks as well as the penetration of foreign banks, although the development of city commercial banks plays a significant role in deepening our financial system reform, promoting the local economic development and maintaining social stability, So if the city commercial banks want to strive for survival and development in such competition, they should “acquaintance themselves”. This thesis concentrates


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