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基于16位单片机的变频调速系统的设计 摘要 近些年来,随着电力电子技术、微电子学、计算机技术、自动控制技术的迅速发展,电力传动领域正发生着交流调速取代直流调速和计算机数字控制技术取代模拟控制技术的革命。交流变频调速以其优异的调速和起、制动性能,高效率、高功率因数和节电效果,被国内外公认为最有发展前途的调速方式,成为节电、改善工艺流程以及提高产品质量和改善环境、推动技术的一种主要手段。 本文采用的控制芯片Intel公司生产的电机专用单片机87C196MC,该单片机是变频调速的核心,此单片机可以产生脉冲信号(SPWM)控制智能功率模块IPM的开关时间,实现电动机调速的目的。本文采用的变频方式是交-直-交,因为这种变频方式的频率调节范围大,因此在生产实践中得到了广泛的应用。智能功率模块IPM是主电路中很重要的器件,它起着把直流电逆变为交流电的作用,的此外,整流环节用的是整流模块,并在整流前进行保护,防止因为过压而使器件受到损害。测流环节用的是霍尔传感器,其输出的是电压信号方便单片机读取转换。测速环节使用的是光电码盘,因其结构小巧而且抗干扰能力强、工作时间长,所以在许多的工业领域得到广泛的应用。 关键词:87C196MC 变频调速 智能功率模块IPM 整流模块 霍尔传感器 光电码盘 Abstract In recent years, with power electronics, electronics, computer technology, automatic control of rapid development, electric power transmission was happening AC replaced DC motor control and computer numerical control over analog control technology revolution. AC variable frequency to its superior speed and onwards, braking performance, high efficiency, high power factor and a power-effects, was recognized at home and abroad as the most promising speed way, become a power-saving, improve processes, and improve product quality and improve the environment and enhancing the technology of a principal means. This article uses the control chip Intel company produced motor dedicated microcontroller 87C196MC, the microprocessor is the frequency of core, the SCM can produce a pulse signal (SPWM) control IPM IPM switch time, enabling the motor. This article adopts the inverter is AC-DC-AC inverter, because this way the frequency adjustment range, so in practice in a wide range of applications. IPM IPM is the primary circuit is very important for devices, it plays the AC DC Inverter for the addition of effects,, using the rectifier link rectifier module, and for protection before the rectifier, prevent because overstress damage the device. Measuring flow links using a Hall sensor, its output is a voltage signal convenient single-chip reads conversion. Speed links using an


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