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论文题目:不同品种玉米抗盐性比较 摘 要:本试验采用滑986、滑丰8、蠡玉68三个不同品种的玉米,研究其抗盐能力,用含有不同浓度的NaCl模拟盐胁迫,分别测定三种玉米幼苗叶片中生理生化指标,其中包括叶绿素,脯氨酸,丙二醛,通过各项生理生化指标来比较所选玉米品种的抗盐性。结果表明:在低等(50mmol/L)和中等(100mmol/L)盐胁迫下,滑986的叶绿素含量为对照组的120%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Title:Comparing ifferent Corn Varieties Salt Resistance Abstract: This experiment adopts three different corns of the hua 986, huafeng 8, zhuanyu68 to study the salet rsistance. By different concentration of NaCl salt stress simulation.Then measure three kinds of physiological and biochemical indexes of maize seedling leaves separately including chlorophyll and proline, malondialdehyde.The results showed that:In low (50mmmol/L) and medium (100 mmol/L/L) salt stress, the chlorophyll content of hua986 as control group were 120%、87%,Malondialdehyde than the control group increased by 0.7% 、5.7%, Proline content in the control group, respectively 1.20 times, 0.15 times。Slide feng 8 the chlorophyll content of the control group were 78%, 64%, malondialdehyde than the control group increased 9%, 13%, proline content, respectively 1.20 times, 0.15 times that in the control group. the chlorophyll content of liyu68 as control group were 150%, 130%, malondialdehyde than the control group increased by 0.2%, 1.6%, proline content, respectively 5.83 times, 18.29 times that in the control group. Comprehensive analysis of chlorophyll, mda, proline three indicators, in the lower and middle three salt resistance of maize under salt stress than liyu 68 hua986 huafeng 8; in high (150 mmol/L - 250mmol/ L) under salt stress, the chlorophyll content of hua986 as the control group were 57%, 44%, malondialdehyde than the control group increased by 7.1%, 32.3%, proline content in the control group, respectively 0.57 times, 1.92 times, the chlorophyll content ofhuafeng 8 as the control group were 59%, 48%, malondialdehyde than the control group increased by 31%, 31%, proline content, respectively 0.10 times, 0.28 times that in the control group than ziyingdian jade 68 the chl


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