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摘 要 动物生存和生产需要一定的营养供给来维持,而动物的营养需求却受着环境的影响,二者之间存在着相互的作用关系。在我们探讨营养与环境的关系时,也牵涉到了动物福利,动物福利对于动物生存和生产有着积极地作用,制约着人们给与动物相应的更好的营养与环境。为了对动物营养有更多的了解,此网站设置了教学课件、教学视频、讲义教案、例题习题等模块,用户可以免费看教学视频,下载例题习题。 为了方便信息的交流,在结合动态服务网页(JSP)和SQL2005 技术之下开发了这个界面友好的小型论坛系统。论坛使用动态服务网页(JSP)技术建设论坛的骨干框架,使用SQL2005制作系统的数据库,利用了Struts的部分知识点,还结合使用了AJAX技术,通过这些实现了一个功能相对齐全的论坛系统。 该论坛为网友们提供了一个交流的平台,在这里注册用户可以自由地发表自己的观点和对论坛的主题帖子发表意见,还可以及时的解决网友提出的问题,获取对自己有用的知识。 本BBS论坛可以实现论坛的基本功能,该论坛可以动态的实现与数据库连接,包括对数据的增加,删除,修改,查询。还可以查看主题列表,查看会员发表的主题,对别人发表对的主题进行回复,对于自己发表的主题,可以进行删除和修改。非本人的内容,则无权修改和删除。还可以动态实现对主题的操作,统计回复主题数,在线人数。还可以查找,搜索自己感兴趣的主题。 关键词:动物 营养 教学 DAO设计模式 JavaBean 动态服务网页 论坛 SQL2005 AJAX JSP Abstract Animal survival and production needs certain nutrition to maintain,and animal nutritional requirements are influenced by the environment,there is the role of the mutual relationship between both.When we are to discuss the relationship between nutrition and the environment,also involved in animal welfare,animal welfare for animal survival and production has a positive effect,restricts the people give animal corresponding better nutrition and the environment.In order to have more knowledge of animal nutrition,the website set up teaching courseware,the teaching video,lecture teaching plans,sample problem sets and other modules,the user can free the teaching video,download the sample problem sets. In order to exchange the information expediently, the small forum is developed under the technologies of JSP and SQL2005. The main frames of the forum system is built by the technologies of JSP and SQL2005 database, part of the three instructions of Struts and AJAX, All of those above is to provide a relatively complete functions of the forum system. The forum system provides a platform of communication, herein, the users who have registered ahead can express their ideas freely and give some advice about the subjects, moreover, you can solve the questions asked by online friends and obtain useful knowledge for yourself from t


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