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目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 供配电工程设计阶段内容及程序 1 第二章 供配电系统的负荷计算及无功功率补偿 3 2.1 负荷计算的目的与意义 3 2.2 负荷计算的方法 3 2.3 本工程的具体负荷计算 5 2.4 无功功率补偿 8 2.4.1概述 8 2.4.2无功功率在系统的传输中所造成的影响 8 2.4.3并联电容器的控制及安装方式的选择 8 2.4.4本次设计的无功补偿设计 9 第三章 短路电流及计算 10 第四章 电气设备的选择 12 4.1电气设备中电弧的产生及灭弧方法 12 4.2 变压器的选择 15 4.3 互感器的选择 16 4.4 熔断器的选择 20 4.5 隔离开关的选择 22 4.6 断路器的选择 22 第五章 供配电系统的一次接线 24 5.1 负荷分级及供电电源 24 5.2 变配电所电气主接线设计 26 5.3 高压配电系统设计 29 5.4 低压配电系统设计 31 第六章 变配电所及备用电源的设计 35 6.1 变配电所的设计 35 6.2 变配电所所址选择 38 6.3 备用电源的设计 41 第七章 防雷与保护 43 附 录 48 结 束 语 52 致 谢 53 参考文献 54 摘 要 摘要:改革开放以来随着国民经济的迅速发展,国内现代建筑物趄着大型、超大型、密集、高密集趋向发展,由多个单体建筑物构成的相互之间有联系的建筑群体正大量涌现,通过对市侧的供配电系统设计的思考,总结出对大型建筑群供配电设计的一般模式。大型高层建筑群总体变配电系统的构成,10kV配电系统采用双环网配电和环网柜的优点,低压配电系统及柴油发电机容量的选择等。关键词:大型建筑群 供配电设计 施工实例 AbstractAbstract: since the reform and opening up with the rapid development of national economy, modern buildings with large domestic reclined, super large, dense, high intensive tendency, composed of a plurality of monomer structures have reciprocal link building groups are in large numbers, the design of the Changsha City New Road on the south side of high-rise buildings for distribution system design, summed up the large building design for the distribution of the general model. Large high-rise buildings overall power transformation and distribution system, distribution system using 10kV loop network distribution and ring network cabinet has the advantages of low voltage distribution system, and the capacity selection of diesel generator. High rise civil building electrical equipments, electric load. These one or two types of load more. In order to ensure the reliability of power supply enterprises and the safety of personnel and equipment, generally take two or more than two lines of independent power supply, and diesel generating set as an emergency power supply. As a result of the building, power supply line is long, in order to reduce the line loss of distribution transformer and voltage loss, according to the situat


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