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摘 要:塑料斜齿轮运行平稳且可在无润滑条件下运行,噪声低、抗腐蚀成本低。与金属斜齿轮相比较,具有惯性小、动载荷轻、接触均匀、啮合冲击小和传动平稳等特点 ,它不仅用于小扭矩精密机械的传动中,还广泛用于电子和日用家电中。因此 ,在一些重要的传动场合 ,常常被采纳。而注射模具又称注射成型,是热塑性制件的一种主要成形方式,是指通过注射机的螺杆或柱塞的作用,将熔融塑料射入闭合的模具型腔,经过保压、冷却、硬化定型后,即可得到由模具成形出的塑件。注射成形所使用的模具即为注射模(也称注塑模)。本课题为斜齿轮注射模具设计,即在生产实践中,根据给定的斜齿轮零件图和加工批量及精度要求,完成该制品的注射成型工艺分析及注射模具设计。本文首先介绍了斜齿轮以及有关模具的一些概况,分别对其发展、国内外研究现状和应用趋势进行说明。接着进行塑料注射模设计分析,包括尺寸的确定和参数校核等。最后概述了整个设计过程中需要注意的几个方面,从而全面阐述了该课题的研究要求。
关键词:塑料斜齿轮 注塑模(注射模具) 成形(成型)
The Inclined Wheel Gear Injects a Molding Tool Design
Abstract:The plastics inclined wheel gear circulate steady and can circulate under the sistuation that have no lubrication, the Zao voice is low, the anti- decay cost low.Compared with the metals inclined wheel gear have inertial and small, move to carry a lotus light, contact even, the Nie match pound at small with spread to move a steady etc. characteristics, it not only used for small twist Ju nicety machine of spread to move medium, also extensively used for electronics and day to use an appliance in.Therefore, at some importantly spread to move situation, is usually adopt.But inject a molding tool and call to inject to model, is a hot Su system, 1 kind of the piece mainly takes shape a way and mean pass the function that Luo pole or pillar of inject the machine fill, shoot the meltdown plastics in to shut to match of molding tool type chamber, pass by to protect to press, cool off, harden already set after, can immediately get is take shape the Su piece of by the molding tool.Inject to take shape use of the molding tool is to inject a mold.(also call to note a Su mold)This topic injects a molding tool design for the inclined wheel gear, in the production the fulfillment, according to give settle of inclined wheel gear spare parts diagram with process batch quantity and accuracy to request, complete should product of inject and model craft analysis and inject a molding tool design.This text introduced inclined wheel gear and some general situations con