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化工原理及化工机械基础课程设计 分离苯-甲苯 混合液的浮阀板式精馏塔工艺设计 中文摘要: 目前用于气液分离的传质设备主要采用板式塔,对于二元混合物的分离,应采用连续精馏过程。浮阀塔在操作弹性、塔板效率、压降、生产能力以及设备造价等方面都比较优越。其主要特点是在塔板的开孔上装有可浮动的浮阀,气流从浮阀周边以稳定的速度水平进入塔板上液层进行两相接触,浮阀可根据气体流量的大小上下浮动,自行调节。其中精馏塔的工艺设计计算包括塔高、塔径、塔板各部分尺寸的设计计算,塔板的布置,塔板流体力学性能的校核及绘出塔板的性能负荷图。 关键词: 气液传质分离 精馏 浮阀塔 Abstract: Currently,the main transferring equipment that used for gas-liquid separation is tray column. For the separation of binary, we should use a continuous process. The advantages of the float value tower lie in the flexibility of operation, efficiency of the operation, pressure drop, producing capacity, and equipment costs. Its main feature is that there is a floating valve on the hole of the plate, then the air can come into the tray plate at a steady rate and make contract with the level of liquid, so that the flow valve can fluctuate and control itself according to the size of the air. The calculations of the distillation designing include the calculation of the tower height, the tower diameter, the size of various parts of the tray and the arrangement of the tray, and the check of the hydrodynamics performance of the tray. And then draw the dray load map. Key words:gas-liquid mass transfer rectification valve tower 目录 第一章 前言………………………………………………………………………………....3 1.1 精馏及精馏流程 3 1.2 精馏的分类 3 1.3 精馏操作的特点 4 1.4 塔板的类型与选择 4 1.5 相关符号说明 5 1.6 相关物性参数 6 第二章 设计任务书 7 第三章 设计内容 ..8 3.1 设计方案的确定及工艺流程的说明 8 3.2 全塔的物料衡算 8 3.2.1 料液及塔顶底产品含苯的摩尔分率 8 3.2.2 平均摩尔质量 8 3.2.3 料液及塔顶底产品的摩尔流率 .9 3.3 塔板数的确定 9 3.3.1 平衡曲线的绘制....................... ..........................................................9 3.3.2 操作回流比的确.................................................................................10 3.3.3 理论塔板数的确定.............................................................................11 3.4 塔的精馏段操作工艺条件及计算...............................................................13 3.4.1 平均压强Pm.........................................................................................13


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