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京 江 学 院 JINGJIANG COLLEGE OF J I A N G S U U N I V E R S I T Y 本 科 毕 业 设 计 29MW热水锅炉烟风阻力计算 The calculation of smoke wind resistance in 29 MW hot water boiler 29MW热水锅炉烟风阻力计算 摘要 热水锅炉在人们的日常生活中是不可缺少的热力设备,煤,石油等燃料的化学能水,加热后的热水直接供给工业生产和民用生活使用。 本次毕业设计是29MW热水锅炉烟风阻力计算。锅炉烟风阻力计算是在热力计算的基础上,通过对烟气和空气通道的空气动力学计算,求解通道的流动总阻力,从而为选择合适的引、送风机提供基础数据。烟风系统各部分介质流量、温度以及流通截面等相关数据均根据锅炉额定负荷下热力计算数据确定。烟风阻力计算包括烟气侧阻力的计算,引风机的选择,空气侧阻力的计算及鼓风机的选择。 关键词:热水锅炉,引风机,鼓风机,烟风阻力计算 The calculation of smoke wind resistance in 29 MW hot water boiler Abstract Hot water boiler is indispensable heating equipment in Peoples Daily lives.The combustion of coal, oil and other fuel is used to released the heat to the water .The hot water heated supply to the use of industrial production and civil life directly. This graduation design of the calculation of smoke wind resistance in 29 MW hot water boiler is conducted. The calculation of smoke wind resistance in hot water boiler is on the basis of thermodynamic calculation, through aerodynamic calculation of flue gas and air channels, to solve the flow channel of total resistance and to provide basic data to choose the appropriate guide blower. Each part of the medium flow rate, temperature and flow area and other related data are based on the boiler thermodynamic calculation data of measurement under the rated load in the smoke wind system. The calculation of smoke wind resistance including the calculation of flue gas resistance add to the selection of the induced draft fan, the calculation of air resistance and the selection of the blower. Key words:hot water boiler, induced draft fan, blower ,the calculation of smoke wind resistance 目录 第章 绪论 1 1.1锅炉的应用现状及其在社会生活中的重要性 1 1.1.1锅炉的发展 1 1.1.2锅炉的工作过程 2 1.1.3锅炉在社会生活中的应用现状 2 1.2热水锅炉 3 1.2.1锅炉分类 3 1.2.2热水锅炉现状 5 1.2.3热水锅炉举例 6 1.2.4烟风阻力计算的重要性 9 1.2.5烟风阻力计算设计优化和改进 10 1.3烟风阻力计算步骤 11 1.3.1 烟气侧阻力及引风机的 11 1.3.2空气侧阻力及鼓风机的 11 第章 烟气侧阻力计算 12 2.1炉膛出口负压及八字烟道阻力


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