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分类号:D630.9 U D C:D10621-412-(2010)××××-0 密 级:公 开 编 号:2006225012 大学生报考公务员热现象分析 ----以成都信息工程学院管理学院学生为例 大学生报考公务员热现象分析 ----以成都信息工程学院管理学院学生为例 摘 要 据中公教育统计公布,2010年中央国家机关公务员考试报考审查通过人数达146万余人,再创历史新高。在日益庞大的公务员报考队伍中,大学生始终是绝对的主力军。在大学生报考公务员呈现“持续发热”之势的时候,对大学生报考公务员热现象进行深入研究和分析,了解他们的意向和动态就尤显重要了。本文通过对成都信息工程学院管理学院部分专业的应届大学毕业生就报考公务员进行问卷调查,掌握大学生对公务员考试的认知情况、公务员报考意向、报考准备以及报考原因等方面的信息,分析了大学生报考公务员现状以及公务员热现象的根本原因所在,并从大学生自身、学校、家长、择业环境这几方面提出了相关对策建议,以期改变大学生报考公务员过程中的盲目跟风现象,促进大学生做好职业规划,为顺利实现就业提供建议。 关键词:大学生;公务员考试;原因;对策建议 An Analysis on the Hot Phenomenon of University Students Entering for the Civil Servant Examination —Take students of management faculty of CUIT as an example Abstract According to the statics announced by zhonggong education, the number of the candidates for the civil servant examination is beyond 1,460,000.The number of the applicants for the examination this year is the biggest in the history. Among the growing band of applicants for the Civil Service Examinations, university students play a role as the main force. Since the university students show a “sustaining enthusiasm” on the civil servant examination, it is necessary to learn their intentions and motions, through a deep research and analysis on the hot phenomenon. Based on the questionnaire surveys to some students of management faculty in Chengdu University of information and technology, information of university students’ acknowledgements, intentions, and preparations on the examination, as well as the reason for the application, is collected. The root causes of the hot phenomenon are analyzed. Focus on some aspects like the students, university, home, and career environment, some suggestions are proposed to help the university students change their blind follow suit, make rational occupational plannings, and give some related suggestions to be employed successfully. Key words: university students; civil servant


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