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摘要 随着社会的快速发展,科学技术的日新月异,出行越来越和人们的日常生活密不可分。在生活快节奏的今天,人们希望足不出户就能满足人们查询出行信息,预订出行车票的需求,方便、快捷地合理规划自己的行程。人们亟待开发一套火车车票预定信息系统,不仅对自己的出行信息一目了然,节省时间,还能省去许多不必要的麻烦。同时该系统还能方便车站工作人员管理信息,提高工作效率,节省人力资源。 国内的车票预定信息系统大多是基于.NET实现的,而很少有使用JSP的。JSP系统以Java为基础,利用Java纯面向对象编程语言的巨大优势,大大方便了网页的设计和编程,减轻了程序员的工作量。 本系统主要利用JSP和MySQL实现了“火车车票预定信息系统”的以下功能:火车车次的查询、火车车票的预订及火车车票的退订等。本文详细分析了该系统的需求分析、总体设计及详细设计,主要实现了以下功能:用户注册、用户登录、车次查询、车票预订、车票退订等功能。最终通过测试完成了该系统。 关键词:信息管理JAVA;JSP; MySQL Abstract With the rapid development of ever-changing society, science and technology, travel and more and more peoples daily life are inseparable. In todays fast-paced life, people want to stay at home will be able to meet peoples queries travel information, booking travel tickets needs, quickly and easily rational planning their trip. People urgent need to develop a train ticket reservation information system, not only for their own travel information at a glance, to save time, but also save a lot of unnecessary trouble. Meanwhile, the system can also facilitate the station staff management information, improve work efficiency, saving human resources. Most domestic ticket reservation information system is based on. NET implementation, but there is little use of JSP. JSP Java-based systems, the use of pure object-oriented programming language Java is a huge advantage, greatly facilitate the web design and programming, reducing the workload of programmers. The system using JSP and MySQL to achieve a train ticket reservation information system following functions: query, booking train tickets and train tickets unsubscribe train trips and so on. This paper analyzes the demand of the system analysis, design and detailed design, the main achievement of the following functions: user registration, user login, trips inquiries, ticket booking, and ticket unsubscribe function. By the completion of the final test of the system. Keywords: information management , book tickets , JAVA , JSP , MySQL


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