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PLC 含油污水处理控制系统设计 摘要 目前,我国大部分油田已进入开采的中期和后期,原油的含水率达70~80%,有的油田甚至高达90%[1]。油水分离产生大量的含油污水,如不经处理直接排放,会对环境造成污染危害,严重时将威胁人民的生命安全,造成经济损失。因此,开发适合我国油田实际情况、高效经济的含油污水处理已成为重要的问题。本文以含油污水为研究对象,应用曝气池生物滤池(BAF)工艺处理含油污水。该工艺不设二沉池,投资省,具有耐冲击负荷,运行费用低,效果好等特点。系统采用三菱FX2N系列PLC 作为控制中心。通过现场传感器将液位的反馈进行数据采集,同时又与上位机通讯,执行相关命令。本文对该系统的工艺过程、PLC选型、系统软硬件设计作了介绍,并提供了工艺流程图和PLC状态转移图等。 关键词:PLC控制;污水处理;BAF工艺;传感器 Abstract At present, most oilfields in China have entered into mid-late oil exploitation stage. The moisture content of crude oil is generally 70~80%,even reach 90%.Large amount of oily is produced from oil-water phase separation process. Discharge of untreated sewage will put hazardous risk to environment and public health. Therefore, development of highly effective economical treatment and reusing technologies has become an important problem of the modification and establishment of oily sewage. The text uses BAF technology to deal with the oily sewage . This craft does not obstacles the second pond to sink and it has the characteristics of economical investment、bearable the impact,、lowly operating cost,、good effect and so on. The control system is based on the Mitsubishi FX2N PLC. It can execute relevant orders through communicating with upper computer and processing data of the level of liquid measured by sensors. It presents the technicsprocess of the system, the selection of PLC and the software and hardware design of the system. It gives the technicsflow chart and the PLC ladder diagram and so on. Key words: PLC Control; Disposal;rocess;Sensors摘要 I Abstract I 1引言 1 2.污水处理厂设计要求 1 2.1 含油污水处理设计原则 1 2.2 污水水质分析 1 3含油污水处理系统设计方案 2 3.1曝气池生物滤池法(BAF) 2 3.2 BAF法处理含油污水 3 3.3含油污水处理工艺流程 3 4 PLC含油污水处理系统设备控制要求 5 4.1 PLC含油污水处理控制系统构成 5 4.2 PLC污水处理系统设备控制方式 5 4.3设备控制原理 6 5 PLC选型及资源分配 7 5.1 PLC I/O分配表 7 5.2 控制变量清单 8 5.3 PLC选型 10 5.4传感器选型 10 6控制系统程序设计及调试 10 6.1编程软件 10 6.2控制系统总流程图设计 11 7程序的调试 14 结束语 14 致谢 15 参考文献 15 附录: 16 1引言 油类是人类重要的生活必需用品,也是最重要的能源和工业原料,在石油产量激增的同时,油类开采、加工、应用等过程中的泄露和排放对环境的污染也日趋严重。油类污染物对生


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