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某机械厂供电系统设计 摘 要 本次设计题目为某机械厂供配电系统设计,该系统通过降压变压器与10kv公共电源干线相连,然后向工厂供给电能。本次设计主要内容包括:负荷计算、短路电流计算、变电所选址及变压器选择、电气设备的选择和校验、继电保护装置的选择以及过电压及防雷。在设计的过程中,本人参阅了大量的供配电系统设计、变配电所设计、建筑电气设计规范等相关的规范和设计手册,最后对该工厂供配电系统进行了初步设计。本设计为毕业设计,其目的是通过设计实践,综合运用所学知识,理论联系实际,锻炼独立分析和解决电气设计问题的能力,为未来的工作奠定坚实的基础。 关键词: 负荷计算;短路电流计算;变压器;一次设备;继电保护;防雷 A machinery factory supply systems design Abstract This design topic is the power supply and distribution system for a machinery factory of A city, this system is connected with the public line of 10kV through step-down transformers, and distribute electrical power to A machinery factory of A city.This design main content includes: the charge computation, short-circuit current computation,substation site and transformer selection,selection and verification of electrical equipment,select the protection device,overvoltage and lightning protection ,the disposal and configuration of the transformer substation design. In order to finish the design, I referring to the power supply and distribution design standard, the transformer substation design standard,the electrical design standard of architecture and so on, carry on the preliminary design to this power system. This design is a graduation design .The purpose of this design is to give us a chance of synthetical usage of the knowledge we have learned. Besides, it can train our ability to analyze and solve practical problems in Construct electricity in dependently so that the theory is connected with practice and a solid base is made in favor of future work. Keywords: Load Calculation;Short circuit calculation;transformer;Equipment selection;relay protection;Lightning protection 1 绪论 1 1.1 工厂供电概述 1 1.2 工厂供电的意义和要求 1 1.2.1工厂供电的意义 1 1.2.2工厂供电的要求 2 1.3 工厂供配电系统的特点 2 1.4 工厂原始资料 2 2 供配电系统负荷计算和无功功率补偿 5 2.1负荷计算的内容和目的 5 2.2电力负荷的分级 5 2.3负荷计算的方法 5 2.4各车间负荷计算 7 2.5无功功率补偿 12 3 变电所的选址及主变压器的选择 13 3.1 变配电所所址选择 13 3.1.1选取变配电所址的一般性原则 13 3.1.2 变配电所的总体布置 14 3.2 变压器的选择 14 3.2.1 变压器台数的选择 14 3.2.2 变电所主变压器容



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