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Design with colour 1 DAAE2005 Assignment 1 By Ying Liu SID: 309070872 Assignment 1 Introductuin In this assignment, our aim is to use Photoshop system for samping colour that to examine it Hue, Saturation and Brightness. Hence, use this system and combined colour schemes which we have learned to changing colour of the picture. In fact, designer could use this skill to design our environment and any object. Study design with colour we can changing colour to be mixing or to be discriminated from different distance and scheme with different colour. There have two picture is given, one shows the facade of the building with nine windows in the greater distance and the other picture is the close look of one window with much more detail on it. Below two picture shows before the partitive mixing. In the facade picture, there is greater diatance view of the building which consist with three floors and nine windows as shown on the top left hand side. We can see the semi-circular elements above the windows, the groups of columns and the complexity surface above the arch. But in fact, we cannot see the pattern clearly. On the other hand, we can see in the top two floors of the window it show more lighter grey than the bottom of the window both in the semi-circular, columns and the surface. In the window picture, there shown more detail of a close look with one window on the bottom left hand side. We can clearly see that there have four arch segments above the window. The top arch which a little bit blue colour, second top arch that shows grey, middle arch is almost white and the bottom arch which is near the window shows light bule. The top surface above the window and the part of the column is more complexity with the patterns of plant cane. Then, t


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