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如何用Selenium的AndroidDriver在Andrioid模拟器上进行自动化测试 分类: QA and Testing Mobile 2012-05-02 17:04 24人阅读 评论(0) 收藏 举报 How to run automation?on Android emulator 1. Setup Android emulator ? a. Download the Android SDK ?????????????/sdk/index.html ? ?????? ???? Note that there is an emulator bug on Gingerbread((2.3.x) that might cause WebDriver to crash. My testing is on Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.x) ? b. Install Android SDK: ??????????? ?/sdk/installing.html ? c. Start Android SDK Manager (SDK Manager.exe) ? d. Select and install Package online ? e. Start AVD Manager.exe ? f. Create an emulator 2. Install the AndroidDriver APK by using platform-tools ???a. list divce name: ????????????? adb devices ? b. download AndroidDriver APK: ????????????? /p/selenium/downloads/list ? c. install AndroidDriver APK: ????????????? adb -s emulator-5554 -e install -r c:\android-server-2.21.0.apk ? d. start the Android WebDriver application ???????????? adb -s emulator-5554 shell am start -a ent.action.MAIN -n org.openqa.selenium.android.app/.MainActivity ? e. setup the port forwarding in order to forward traffic from the host machine to the emulator ????????????? adb -s emulator-5554 forward tcp:8080 tcp:8080 3. Create test case and running: import junit.framework.TestCase;? ? import org.openqa.selenium.By;? import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;? import org.openqa.selenium.android.AndroidDriver;? ? public class OneTest extends TestCase {? ? ? public void testGoogle() throws Exception {? ? ? WebDriver driver = new AndroidDriver();? ? ? ? ? ? // And now use this to visit Google? ? ? driver.get();? ? ? ? ? ? // Find the text input element by its name? ? ? WebElement element = driver.findElement(B(q));? ? ? ? ? ? // Enter something to search for? ? ? element.sendKeys(Cheese!);? ? ? ? ? ? // Now submit the form. WebDriver will find the form for us from the element? ? ? element.submit();? ? ? ? ? ? // Check the title of the page? ? ? System.out.println(Page title is: + driver.getTitle());? ? ? dr


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