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我国中小企业财务风险的分析与防范 摘 要 自从我国实行改革开放,对外开放经济市场的以后,我国的经济发展迅猛,在短时间里实现了中国由计划经济向市场经济的转变。特别是在加入世界贸易组织以后,经济迅速膨胀,国内外的竞争也达到一个前所未有的高度。在这样的一个环境下,我国中小企业的发展前景很是让人担忧,本来资金力量就不够坚实的条件下,如果想要再取得一定的发展,在财务上必定要采取一些措施,可能会导致外债的增多,再加上中小企业在各方面的管理上都没有大型企业的健全,如果这个时候还不采取一些方法提前进行危机防范,那么就很有可能会出现经济危机,甚至导致破产。所以,中小企业进行财务风险管理与防范在当下的经济条件下已经成为一种形势所需,作为国民经济的一部分,中小企业的财务风险管理就显得更加重要,在实际行动上要更加以重视。 关键词:中小企业;财务风险;危机防范 Analysis and prevention of financial risk in our country small and medium-sized enterprise Abstract Since Chinas reform and opening up, the opening of market economy, Chinas rapid economic development, in a short time Chinese realized the transformation from planned economy to market economy. Especially after the accession to the world trade organization, the rapid economic expansion, domestic and foreign competition has reached a hitherto unknown height. In such an environment, the development prospects of small and medium-sized enterprises of our country is very worrying, originally, capital strength is not solid condition, if want to obtain certain development, on the finance must take some measures, may lead to debt increase, coupled with the small and medium-sized enterprises in all aspects of the the management of large enterprises are not perfect, if this time do not adopt some methods to prevent the crisis, it is likely to be the economic crisis, or even lead to bankruptcy. Therefore, the small and medium-sized enterprise financial risk management and prevention in the current economic conditions has become a required for the situation, as a part of the national economy, the financial risk management of small and medium-sized enterprises becomes more and more important, in the actual action to be more focused on the. Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprises; financial risk; crisis prevention 目 录 1.引言 4 1.1选题目的与背景 4 1.2国内外研究现状 5 1.3论文的构成与主要内容 5 2.中小企业与财务风险一般理论 6 2.1中小企业的界定和基本特征 6 2.1.1中小企业的界定 6 2.1.2中小企业的基本特征 7 2.1.3 A 公司基本情况介绍 7 2.2财务风险的概念及类型、特征 8 2.2.1财务风险的概


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