履行检察职能 促进社会和谐稳定.doc

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履行检察职能 促进社会和谐稳定 一、 全全面履行监督职责,积极推进进社会主义民主法治建设。 二、 严肃查办司法不公、渎渎职侵权等职务犯罪,维护社社会公平正义。 三、 正正确处理和化解矛盾,严厉打打击刑事犯罪,全力维护社会会稳定。 检察察机关还要正确对待人民群众众的诉求,以对人民高度负责责的态度对待来信来访,通过过便民服务,广开控申窗口,,倾听群众的意见和要求,真真心实意地维护群众的切身利利益,妥善地化解矛盾、排除除纠纷,让人民群众的合理要要求得到解决,确保不出现群群体上访、越级上访,努力维维护社会大局稳定。 四、 坚持立检为公,严格依法办办案,以司法诚信树立良好的的法治形象。 和谐是社会会发展的至高境界,我们所要要构建的和谐社会,是整个社社会的和谐,社会建设的社会会性,要求我们尊重社会发展展规律,搞好社会系统各部分分之间的分工合作,检察机关关作为国家机器中的重要一员员,在构建社会主义和谐社会会中,任重道远,责无旁贷。。立足检察职能,找准自身位位置,充分发挥职能作用,切切实维护社会的公平与正义,,是建设社会主义和谐社会对对检察机关的必然要求,更是是检察机关的神圣职责。 and style rectification activities revealing implementation plan stage also ask questions does not exist a lot of problems, such as the ideological and political quality, theoretical level, work stress and other aspects still can not fully meet the new situation and new tasks, mainly has the following several aspects:One is the theory of learning initiative, self-consciousness is not high. Often recent information submitted to the task heavier than or is writing material for reasons, not consciously take the initiative to take the time to calm down to learn, work and leisure use of spare time to learn less. Often is asked to learn what to learn what what to learn more, and close working relationship, with little working relationship, often need less to learn, what is urgent with what to learn, what to learn, with only material to find the basis, check the information. There is no system to learn some legal knowledge and modern scientific and technological knowledge, not high quality writing material work especially. Pay attention to the study of political theory degree is not enough, not to be able to understand and grasp the essence of the socialist concept of rule of law leading quality connotation, for the use of the socialist law comprehensive concept to guide their work and the importance of learning should also lack the necessary understanding.Two is the business foundation is not solid, the text level is not high. Their work in the army before, although


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