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猪丹毒ARIMA预测模型的研究 徐 强,肖建华,陈 欣,栾培贤,王洪斌* (东北农业大学动物医学学院,哈尔滨 150030) 摘 要:探讨时间序列ARIMA模型在猪丹毒预测中的应用,建立猪丹毒预测模型,并证明模型的实用性以及提高模型准确性的途径。本实验选取养殖密度大、发病数高、有代表性某省的猪丹毒发病数据, 利用SPSS软件对2005年01到2009年06月该地区的猪丹毒的发病资料进行模型的构建拟合,对2009年07月到12月的猪丹毒发病率进行预测并验证预测效果。结果表明建立的ARIMA(2,1,0)模型计算出的预测值与实际值拟合较好,对未来的猪丹毒发病率预测的结果较好。ARIMA模型能够应用到猪丹毒预测研究领域中,为猪丹毒的预测提供理论依据。 关键词:时间序列;ARIMA模型;猪丹毒;预测 Research of ARIMA model in forecasting incidence of swine erysipelas Qiang Xu, Jianhua -Xiao, Xin- Chen, Peixian- Luan, Hongbin-Wang * (College of Veterinary Medicine, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030,China ) Abstract:This study was to explore the application of auto regressive integrated moving average(ARMA)model and establish a predictive model for swine erysipelas(SE) and, to prove the applicability of model and the method of improving the mode accuracy. In this study, I chose a region of breeding density, high incidence and representative, a time serial model was constructed based on the monthly incidence of SE in the areas from Jan.2005 to Jun.2009 with the SPSS software. The model was applied to predict the incidence of SE from Jul.2009 to Dec.2009 in above areas and validated by comparing with the actual incidences. The result showed the prediction of ARIMA(2,1,0) was consistent with the actual incidence of SE. And application of this model could provide reliable good result of application for incidence of CE in the future. Finally, we built SE forecasting model, and applied ARIMA model theory in SE forecasting research, which could be the scientific basis for the prevention and treatment of SE. Key words: time series; ARIMA model; swine erysipelas; prediction 猪丹毒(swine erysipelas,SE)是由猪丹毒杆菌引起的一种急性、热性、人兽共患传染病非化脓性Allard使用时间序列模型监测传染病的发生,Abeku、Borsboom等人用简单季节调整法模型预测埃塞俄比亚地区疟疾的发病率[3-4]。本研究采用对2005年1月~2009年06月的某地区逐月猪丹毒发病率进行建模和模型拟合,2009年07~12月的发病数据用于模型预测,并探讨使用时间序列中的ARIMA预测模型对猪丹毒发病率进行预测的可行性。 1 实验材料与方法 1.1 材料收集 通过官方网站查找猪丹毒在2005 年01月~2009年12月该地区逐月的发病数据(来自农业部出版的《兽医公报》),同期该地区年底猪存栏数来自《中国农业统计年鉴》[5-6]。 注


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