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More Work on the Text II Vocabulary 1. 1 ) From Chinese into English. (1) to lift the curtain (11) to oppose the decision (2) to resent the treatment (12) to plot murder (3) to develop a habit (13) to diagnose liver cancer (4) to offend the boss (14) to complicate matters (5) to commit treason (15) to count her blessings (6) to dismiss the idea (16) to recharge th~ battery (7) to bury the dead (17) tO mend:her ways (8) to declare bankruptcy (18) to recapture ones childhood (9) to challenge the authority (19) to interrogate ~he suspect (10) to bend the stick (20) to disconnect the power 2) From English into Chinese. (1)养老院 (11)给人打气的谈话 (2)自然科学 (12)分数不好的成绩单 (3)农妇 (13)富裕社会 (4)轻快的步行 (14)无可奈何的神态 (5)弱不禁风的孩子 (15)低落的情绪 (6)微妙的形势 (16)意志力 (7)令人敬畏的一支军队 (17)劝人的套话 (8)令人望而生畏的任务 (18)朦胧的景色 (9)通常的回答 (19)模糊的想法 (10)黑暗中的亮光 (20)勇猛的斗士 (21)猛烈的暴风雨 (26)尖刻严厉的意见 (22)脾气不好的老板 (27)严厉的惩罚 (23)没有准备好的会议 (28)天真的观点 (24)艰苦的生活 (29)红光满面的脸 (25)严峻的现实 (30)绝妙的主意 2. inconceivable unthinkable promptly immediately/instantly ferocity fierceness complicated complex scheme plot radiant beaming transparently .obviously affluent wealthy caution warn customary habitual challenging defiant mend correct/improve fatigue weariness unutterable unspeakable rage fury/anger 3. 1)don’t know anything about history(or literature,philosophy etc) 2)may 3)but 4)we should never seek world hegemony.(Or:we should never become arrogant.) 5)being deepene 6)being repainted 7)being redesigned 8)wander free 9)light 10)free 11)the run 12)on 13)give him a long lecture(Or:give him a good spanking) 14)bring population growth under strict control(Or:start family planning) 15)the 16)the 17)the:the 4. 1)This is an utter waste of time and money.The


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