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2016物业客服工作计划参考 1、全面提升服务品质,实施“特色化服务”。服务品质提升方面,启用员工奖惩考核体系,进行规范管理,建立良好规范的正负激励机制,在工作中找突破点,坚决取缔商品部二次处罚员工的错误做法。抓现场纪律现已基本走入正轨,应抓销售技巧与商品知识,提高营销水平,这样才有利于整体服务水平的提高。今年的服务宗旨和标准,以及国芳百盛在顾客心目中应树立什么形象、转变服务观念、顾客需要的,就是我们要做的,国芳百盛早已是兰州同行中的龙头老大。商场如战场般的残酷又如逆水行舟不进则退,企业要发展,就要有领先对手的观念和措施。因此,企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,就必须把商品品牌、服务品牌、企业品牌摆在重要的工作日程,提升、维护和发展,逐步形成金城知名而特有的“特色化服务”战略十分必要。所以xx年第四季度——xx年年一季度在兰州率先提倡并实施“特色化服务”,大打特打服务牌,显示我们国芳百盛一种特有的服务品质和服务档次。根据业态的不同提供不同的服务,超市——“无干扰服务”,一楼商品部至四楼商品部“品牌化服务、朋友式服务”五楼商品部—“朋友式服务”,六楼商品部——“技能式服务”,向社会表明,我们追求的是高质量、高品质的服务。达到超越顾客期待的、最完美的服务。 123 service in the search for the main body of the site.Third: discipline style rectification analysis of materialsIn the whole city discipline style rectification activities, I seriously study the important speech, secretary in the city discipline law style rectification activities, learn the new style of cadres of discipline regulations, 52 are not allowed, learning the discipline and style of the municipal living activities to rectify the reader, learn the five ban and six discipline in the study and take note, while accepting the leadership and colleagues about their education, and has done a detailed study notes, in the learning activities, through deep reflection and take seriously listen to the opinions of others, aware of their ideological work, serious problems, discipline and style of construction and so on. Are these The problem of self analysis is as follows:One, the existing problems1, in the rectification of style discipline activities, one-sided self satisfaction, since that is good work, good performance, not what problems need to be self correction. This activity and one-sided understanding of bias, and the attitude is not correct.2, the theoretical level is not high. The policy policy of the partys line, line, policy understanding only stay in the general level, no research and grasp deeply. The advanced culture understanding is not deep enough, the law, to promote publicity and ideological work in terms of


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