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美国亲属移民签证P1-P4阶段全解析(全文)现在申请美国亲属移民的人是越来越多,无数人盼星星盼月亮就是为了那“一纸”绿卡,但是在申请过程中他们却会遇到很多问题,不少朋友的疑问:美国亲属移民的P1、P2、P3、P4都是些啥?其实也不能怪这些朋友不了解,事实上美国亲属移民中的其它名词如F1、F2A、F2B……也同样很容易让人疑惑,毕竟这些简单的缩写对于没怎么接触过的人来说确实是一头雾水。好了,闲话不再多说,下面进入正题。?  【P1阶段】  所谓P1阶段就是当大家申请美国亲属移民时,先假设申请人是A,A将申请资料准备齐全,然后递交美国亲属申请表I-130至美国当地的移民处理中心,接着A就会拿到档案号码P1,也就是我们通常所说的表I-130申请收据。档案号码P1里面包含有三个英语大写字母加10个数字,三个英文字母分别是EAC或WAC或SRC或LIN,分别对于不同的美国移民处理中心。下面小编给大家看一下P1的样本,让大家对P1有个更全面的认识。  P1样本如下:  U.S.Department Of Justice  Immigration and Naturalization Service Notice Of Action  THE UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA  RECEIPT NUMBER  EAC-XX-***-***XX  (很重要的收据号!)  CASE TYPE I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE ,  FIANCE(E) , OR ORPHAN  RECEIVED DATE  (你们递表的日期)  PRIORITY DATE  (优先日期)  PETITIONER  (申请你的人的姓__ , __名___)  NOTICE DATE  (通知发出的日期〈在I-797批准通知里,这里表示批准日期〉)  PAGE  1 of 1  BENEFICIARY  (你的姓__ , __名___)  这一栏写:是谁申请你的,写当时申请你的那个人当时写的那个地址  Notice Type : Receipt Notice  Amount received : $ 110.00  Section : Sister or brother of U.S.  Citizen , 203(a) (4) INA  The above application or petition has been received . It ususlly takes 180 to 940 days from the date of this receipt for us to process this type of case . Please notify us immediately if any of the above information is incorrect.  We will send you a written notice as soon as we make a decision on this case , You can aslo use the phone number (802)527-4913 to obtain case status information direct from our automated system 24 hours a day with a touch-tone phone and the receipt number for this case (at the top of this notice.)  If you have other questions about possible immigration benefits and services,filling information ,of Immigration and Naturalization Service forms, please call the INS National Customer Service Center (NCSC) at 1-800-375-5283. If you are hearing impaired , please call our TDD at 1-800-767-1833.  If you have access to the Internet , you can also visit the INS at . Here you can find valuable information about forms and filling instructions , and about general immigration s


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