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我们在城市的东边。 unit2-We are in the east of the city north south east west 上北下南 左西右东 北 南 东 西 north south east west 上北下南 左西右东 北 南 东 西 south west north east 简写:以开头的字母将其大写。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A B C D E F G Start here mall home zoo lake Go north. beside 在旁边 next to 在隔壁 south next to west east beside north 在隔壁 南 北 西 东 在旁边 be from + 地点 来自… be动词:am,is,are 我来自中国。 I am from China. 她来自英国。 She is from England/ the UK. 我们来自美国。 We are from the USA. 2. take …around 带…参观 3.Good idea. 好主意。 4.in the east of …在…的东边 5.next to = beside在附近,在隔壁 6.take a bus= by bus 乘车 7.That sounds very interesting. 这听起来太有趣了。 三单 只要主语不是I,you, we, they,动词都必须加S Andy: Meet my cousin,Harry. He is from England. 来认识一下我的表弟,Harry。他来自英国 Harry: Hello,everyone. 喂,大家好。 Andy: I’m taking Harry around our city. 我正带着Harry绕着我们的城市走走。 Zhou Lin: Good idea. We are here. We are in the east of the city. 好主意。我们在这里。我们在城市的东边 Andy: Let’s go to the big bookstore. It’s in the north of the city. 让我们去大书店吧。他在城市的北边 Zhou Lin: Next to the bookstore is a big shopping centre. 在书店的旁边是一个大的购物中心。 Joe: There is a famous park and a small lake beside the shopping centre. And there is a school between the park and the lake, 在购物中心的旁边有一个著名的公园和一个小湖。有一个学校在公园和湖的中间。 Andy: Then ,we can go to a famous lake.It’s in the west. 然后,我们可以去一个著名的湖。它在西边。 Zhou Lin: Finally, we can take a bus to the south. 最后,我们可以乘公共汽车去南边。 Harry: Good. That sounds very interesting! 好的。听起来非常有趣! He is from England. 他来自英国。 Good idea. 好主意。 We are in the east of the city. 我们在城东。 It’s in the north of the city. 它在城北。 It’s in the west. 它在西边。 We can take a bus to the south. 我们可以乘公共汽车去南边。 That sounds very interesting! 那样听起来非常有趣! Directions to the


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