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Some advertisements appeal to people‘s desire to save money. Others are more likely to be noticed // if they are funny. Ads that feature rich and famous people // will grab the attention of those who admire people like that. Some adverts, like the __________________________(环保) advertisement below, appeal to our conscience or our desire to be worthy citizens. admiring environmental protection Para. 5 Ads that feature rich and famous people will grab the attention of those who admire people like that. 以有钱人和名人为特色的广告会抓住那些对他们羡慕的人的注意力. Her articles feature many complex sentences. 她的文章的特点是有很多复杂的句子。 R: 这部片是特别报道江门一中的。 The film features Jiangmen No.1 Middle School. feature v. 是...的特色, 特写, 放映 n.面貌特征, 容貌, 特色, 特写 她的眼睛是她最漂亮的地方。 Her eyes were her best feature. Impatience is a feature of our age. 急躁是现代人的特征。 Para 5 Some adverts, like the environmental protection advertisement below, appeal to our conscience or desire to be worthy citizens. 还有一些广告就像下边那种有关环境保护的广告,就符合我们的良知,或者说迎合了我们想成为有价值的公民的愿望。 ◎have no conscience 毫无良心 ◎have a clear / good conscience 问心无愧 ◎have a guilty / bad conscience 良心不安,内疚 worthy citizens a worthy champion / winner He is worthy of our praise. be worthy of being done /to be done be worth sth./ doing sth. It’s worthwhile doing/to do sth. 值得尊敬,当之无愧 1). –Is that book worth ____? –Yes, it is worthy ____twice. A. reading; being read B. to read; to be read C. of being read; reading D. reading; of being read It is worthy of being read=It is worthy to be read. It is worthwhile to read/reading. D 2). Her achievements are ______ of high praise. 3). It is not __________quarreling with him. worthy worthwhile Para. 7 It would be no use advertising products on radio if the ad relies on visual effects. It is no use doing…做某事没有用处 It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。 I don’t think it any use going an



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