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摘要 油罐车是罐式车的一种,主要用于液体油品的异地转移运输和实现车辆飞机的流动加油。油罐车技术含量不太高, 而且制造工艺相对于其他橄式专用车而言比较简单, 生产企业相对较多, 市场竞争非常激烈。企业最重要的战略任务之一就是保障其长久的生存能力。 目前市场上汽车使用的燃料主要以汽油与柴油为主(汽油又有93和97两种标号,柴油又分为0、-10、-30号等)设计出两种或两种以上的多仓燃料运输车能够满足不同用户对燃料的需求。能够适应工地、矿山、农场等多种型号车辆的需要。 汽车材料轻量化是汽车发展的必然趋势。所谓汽车轻量化,就是降低汽车产品自身重量,达到减重、降耗、环保、安全的综合目标。用科学方法和手段对汽车产品进行优化设计,在确保汽车综合性能指标的前提下,通过使用新型材料,尽可能降降低运输成本,提高企业的运营效率。 铝合金是具有广阔应用前景的轻型材料,采用该材料生产的油罐半挂运输车自身质量轻,不仅可以完全满足运输油料的强度和刚度要求,而且可以显著降低运输成本,提高企业的运营效率。 关键词: 油罐 多仓 半挂车 运输 铝合金 Abstract Of all the tank cars,the oil-tankers mainly for the transfer of liquid pet -roleum transportation and off-site movement of vehicles to achieve air refueling.The market is very competitive because the technology of the tank is not so much high and the manufacturing process is more simple compared with the other olivine-type special purpose vehicles.One of the most important strategic task to a company is to ensure its long term viability. Currently on the market the car use fuel to gasoline and diesel ( gasoline and mainly 93 and 97 two grade, diesel was divided into 0, - 10, - 30, etc.) to produce two or more than two kinds of multi chamber fuel transport vehicle can meet different users demand for fuel. To adapt to the site, mines, farms and other types of vehicle needs. Lightweight automotive materials is the inevitable trend.The so called lightweight vehicles is to reduce weight of the product itself,to achieve weight loss, energy saving,enviromental protection,safty and the other comprehensive goals. Using scientific methods and means to optimise the design of automotive products, under the premise of ensuring the cars comprehensive performance indicators,through the use of new materials,reduce the transport costs as much as possible and improve operational efficiency. Aluminum is a broad prospect of lightweight materials. The oil-tank semi-trailer is produced by the use of the material ,not only can fully meet the strength and stiffness of the transportation,but also can r


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