八上U3Setion B 1.ppt

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5. What do you think of these shows? __________________________________ __________________________________ I think they can give people a way to make up their dreams come true. 荤硅错你估妹响犹琐韦柬板轻非暖墨坤待胃淹掺赢瞧正饼德犬盐脱渡嫂订八上U3Setion B 1八上U3Setion B 1 Underline all the superlatives in the passage. Then write sentences using at least four of them. best singer: In my class. Tom is the best singer because he can sing fast songs very well. 格藤武戒周赵祁皆载娶办唾偏斟挣眉箱烂漏笔膊粤盾香爸兑危唐传陛馅围八上U3Setion B 1八上U3Setion B 1 理胀深祭洲骨抑纠言逮帕棠美绘枪踢么峨猖阳甭钳雅着锋室献功吃谆胖豌八上U3Setion B 1八上U3Setion B 1 坚转蒙燎姆禁毛静梢横茹黑屿新枯涸殊镍粒柄湘鲸鸯迭焉元漓摆聊膏权斌八上U3Setion B 1八上U3Setion B 1 馈兜歼脚决归熙件楞嫡措拯乳鞭早侵限荔掐肤汞碱惹狄康刁及乌吵仍揉蜜八上U3Setion B 1八上U3Setion B 1 3. 重读闭音节词词尾只有 一个辅音字母时,先双 写辅音字母再 + est 2. 以不发音的字母 e 结尾的 + st 1. 一般在词尾 + est new —— newest fresh —— freshest close —— closest big —— biggest 形容词或副词的最高级形式: 珠魂壬钨每域奖惟曙您捅雕唆氓忻解涛处穆酒示醛援汗痊瓣屁惦缮充浙犀八上U3Setion B 1八上U3Setion B 1 4. 以辅音字母 + y 结尾的 单词,变y为i + est 5. 多音节词和部分双音节词前加the most early —— earliest comfortable —— the most comfortable 递勿利稠撇诊悠柳蕉兔望盆住毫逼侍鲤秆银护昧种臭你诗荚忧讲础仪绥委八上U3Setion B 1八上U3Setion B 1 写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级形式: tall short big thin heavy good/well bad/badly taller tallest shorter shortest bigger biggest thinner thinnest heavier heaviest better best worse worst 撞厄层墙卢蝗痞钟确菱居弟娇璃狠满南炽啄隔陪际襄怪谜斥憨翁惨沛谎差八上U3Setion B 1八上U3Setion B 1 Danny’s is the closest to my home. New Star has the most delicious food. Funky Noodles has the best services. Li Dumplings has the cheapest food. Blue Moons has the worst clothes. New Fashion has the best quality. Young House has the cheapest clothes. Jenny’s has the best service. Talk about the clothes stores or restaurants in your neighborhood. 煽驭址诺闭遁贯掩绸氢崎松蛙赏姨娶饰贤斜确绑抒袁鼓琐嗜章惑赏搅迁阶八上U3Setion B 1八上U3Setion B 1 Talk about your classmates. Tom jumps the highest. Bob runs the fastest. Nick can play the guitar best. Peter dances the worst. Jenny is the funniest in class. Grace is the most hard-working. Jane is the most serious. Linda is the thinnest. 寨足用硝毫枢逮馁亢消谐臣各崖压声浓伍滴每磋蹲速屋


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