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承德石油高等专科学校教案首页课程:大学英语二授课教师:20-20学年第二学期周次第周时间20年月专业班级:授课章节Unit 13The Beijing Olympic GamesSection 1 talking face to face授课方式理论课√ 实验课□实训课□ 教学做一体化课程□教学时数2教学目的To learn how totalk about sports;To introduce some key language points, and important communication structures;教学组织教学内容教学过程设计及时间分配一、Oral activities: recitation and translation二、Warming-up: 1. Talk about Olympic Games.2. What is your favorite sport, and who is your favorite athlete?三、learn together:1. learn the new words2. learn the basic sentence patterns3. read and translate and role play四、role-play:1、task 2: work in pairs and do the role-play 2、task 3: fill in the blanks and do the role-play五、home-workClass one:10` talk about the Beijing Olympics.20` warming-up15` learn the new words and the dialogues;Class two:45` act out the tasks教学重点To learn about the expressions aboutOlympic Games教学难点Key language points like:talk about/ player/ charm/ do exercise/ water教学手段Presentation, discussion, group discussion, explanation双语教学Leading-in; Warming-up; key language points; discussion etc.作业及思考题Exercises on Pg129-130参考资料Internet resources本讲内容学法指导Practice, role play, recitation承德石油高等专科学校教案首页课程:大学英语二授课教师: 20-20学年第二学期周次第周时间20年月专业班级:授课章节Unit 13 The Beijing Olympic GamesSection 3 passage A授课方式理论课√ 实验课□实训课□ 教学做一体化课程□教学时数2教学目的To learn some grammars;To introduce some key language points, and important structures;教学组织教学内容教学过程设计及时间分配一、Oral activities: recitation and translation二、Text comprehension:1. fast reading and finish the questions after text A2. text learninga. read the passage and translate certain sentences;b. learn the key language points三、Exercises and Home work:Class one:20` ask students to recite and translate the important sentences;25` fast readingClass two:15` ask students to read and translate passage A30` learn the key language points教学重点To practice reading ability and learn some grammars教学难点Key language points like: imagine/ hold/ prepare/ less than/ seem/ be confident in/ cheer for教学手段Presentation,
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