
Unit-11 Beauty by Susan Sontag解析.ppt

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PPT(C)liujiehai@ CT-P2 翻译中单词在课文中所在处翻译 第1题(Para.6):大多数女性都接受的一种讨好她们的理想方法是,让她们感到比实际的自己或成长后的自己逊色。 第2题(Para.2):我们不仅用最容易的方式将“内在”(性格、才智)与“外在”(相貌)分开,而且会对那些既有美貌又有智慧、天赋、善良之人,感到诧异。 第3题(Para.4):“英俊”是其阳性的对应词,同时拒绝一些带有某些贬义的赞扬,而这种赞扬是仅用于女性的。 第4题(Para.4):在任何一个基督教或后基督教国家里,美都是女性的代名词——既损害了美这个概念,又损害了女性这个概念。 CT-P3 第5题(Para.5):没有超强女权意识的人都能感受到,教导女人和美联系在一起其实是鼓励孤芳自赏,强化女性的依赖性和不成熟。 第7题(Para.2):几千年以后,我们对于美的魔力更加谨小慎微。 第6题(Para.3):基督教将美德(拉丁语virtus)仅局限于道德层面,使美的意思飘忽不定——它成了一种孤立、随意、浅薄的诱惑。 第8题(Para.10):然而,要摆脱这个陷阱需要女性与美的好处和特权保持严格的距离,要有足够的距离让女性看清,为了支撑“女性”这个神话,“美”这个概念有多少被删节了。应该能找到一种办法将“美”从女性那里解救出来,并且留在女人身上。 CA-Translation-s1 CA-Translation-s2 CA-Translation-s3 CA-Translation-s4 CA-T-Notes-flatter flatter v. to praise someone in order to get something that you want, especially in a way that is not sincere e.g. Youre trying to flatter me, and it wont work. CA-T-Notes-split off split v. [intransitive] to separate from a group or organization e.g. 1979 was the year they split from the party. CA-T-Notes-overtone overtone n. a quality or feature that is noticeable but not obvious e.g. a book with political overtones CA-T-Notes- to the detriment of detriment n. harm caused to something as a result of something else e.g. Starting formal education too early can be of serious detriment to the child. to the detriment of: e.g. Funding cuts can be implemented, but only to the detriment of patient care. CA-T-Notes- in the throes of in the throes of something involved in a difficult or unpleasant situation or activity e.g. The country remains in the throes of a bitter conflict. CA-T-Notes-adrift adrift v. floating on the water without being tied to anything or controlled by anyone; uncontrollable e.g. The refugees spent three days adrift on the tiny boat. CA-T-Notes- wary of wary adj. careful or nervous about someone or something because you think they might cause a problem e.g. He was wary of putting too much trust in her. CA-T-Notes- pop up prop up to stop something


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