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本科学生毕业论文(设计) 题 目 蓝山咖啡市场营销分析报告 系 经济管理系 专 业 经济学(市场营销) 学生姓名 徐晓庆 指导教师 戴佳龙 职 称 副教授 论文字数 8052 完成日期 2012 年 3 月 16 日 论文题目: 蓝山咖啡市场营销分析报告 作者: 徐晓庆 系: 经济管理系 摘 要:蓝山咖啡是世界上最优越的咖啡,且产量较少,物以稀为贵。此种咖啡拥有所有好咖啡的特点,不仅口味浓郁香醇,而且由于咖啡的甘、酸、苦三味搭配完美,所以完全不具苦味,仅有适度而完美的酸味。一般都单品饮用,但是因产量极少,价格昂贵无比,所以市面上一般都以味道近似的咖啡调制。本文认为蓝山咖啡应加大宣传、适当的扩大生产、合理的市场定位、明确市场目标及客户分类和区域分类,进而提高提高蓝山咖啡市场需求,从而将蓝山咖啡推广到销量第一的高档咖啡。所以本文将通过研究自身产品的优势和竞争对手的状况和市场的情况,进行市场规划及确定未来的发展方向作出的分析报告。 关键词(3-5个):扩大生产 :扩大生产 : 市场定位:市场需求 英文题目: Lanshan coffee marketing analysis report 作者(英文): Xu Xiaoqing 系(英文): Department of economic management Abstract: Lanshan coffee is the worlds most superior coffee, and yield is less, so rare. This coffee has all the good characteristics of coffee, not only taste very good, and because the coffee Gan, acid, bitter taste with a perfect three, so completely without bitterness, only modest and perfect taste. General items of drinking, but due to yield little, price cheap, so the market generally approximate to taste coffee. The article thinks Lanshan coffee should enlarge the propaganda, appropriate to expand production, reasonable market position, clear target market and customer classification and regional classification, and then improve the Lanshan coffee market demand, which will Lanshan coffee to promote sales of the first high-grade coffee. So this article will through the study of the advantages of its own products and competition situation and the market situation, market planning and to determine the f


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