
The pin of time 《时间的针脚》重点.ppt

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Crystal Chen from Class five The pin of time Maria Duenas 《时间的针脚》玛利亚·杜埃尼亚斯 El tiempo Entre costura Content summary Through a lower class females perspective into the grand historical.This novel goes in the leading character,Sheilas tone,Sheila spent her childhood at a tailor shop in Madrid.Before the Spanish Civil War,she and a man leave Spain where is the brink of war. Content summary The Writter María Due?as She is Spanish,she was born in 1964. She is a Dr on English linguistics,she used to teach in the University of North America,now she is a professor at the University of Murcia. The pin of time is her first novel,without any marketing hype ,this first novel of a freshman became popular and popular by its own charm.Only the sales in Spain is over 1.5million,and it has already translate to more than 20 languages to publish in the world. The reason of writing Duenas said,the reason of writing this book has very big relation to the history of her country and her family,this book mentioned Morocco,my mothers family were lived in north Africa for a long time.We have a very special emotion to this piece of land,when I started writing this novel,the early thought was memorize the story happened there at the beginning of twentieth century. The reason of writing Later I thought just talking about this land isnt enough,then I start to investigate and survey,collect all kinds of information, document, newspaper, and interview the people who had personally contacted with these historical figures. Excerpts 我想大喊着叫他闭嘴,叫他别再来骚扰我,叫他永远永远不要再出现在我的生活中,却一句话也说不出来。我的身体仿佛变成了无穷无尽的泪泉,就好像有什么把我的五脏六腑都生生撕碎了一样。我只是不停地哭,手捂着脸,一直哭一直哭。当我终于能停止抽泣回到现实中时,已经过了半夜,伊格纳西奥不在了。他悄无声息地走了,就像以前一直对我做的那样,细心体贴。然而它的出现给我带来的恐惧和不安却如影随形。我不知道这次拜访会有什么样的后果,不知道从那天晚上开始这位艾瑞斯 ? 阿格瑞克将会怎样。也许,他会念在我是他多年前深爱过的女人放我一马,让我安安静静地继续走我的路。又或者,他为了完成自己在新西班牙的职责和使命决定向上司回报我的虚假身份。也许,就像他说的那样,我会被逮捕,或者驱逐,或者从人间消失。 桌上还放着那和看来清白无辜,实际上却蕴含着机密信息的糖果。我用一只手打开,另一只手还在擦眼泪,盒子里只有24块牛奶巧克力。于是我又去检查包装纸,最后在捆包裹的玫瑰丝带上发现了一些几乎看


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